SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms
At the moment Tokamak implements a very basic subset of SwiftUI. Its DOM renderer supports a few
view types and modifiers (you can check the current list in the progress
document), and a new HTML
view for constructing arbitrary HTML. The long-term
goal of Tokamak is to implement as much of SwiftUI API as possible and to provide a few more helpful
additions that simplify HTML and CSS interactions.
If there’s some SwiftUI API that’s missing but you’d like to use it, please review the existing
issues and
PRs to get more details about the current status, or
create a new issue to let us prioritize the
development based on the demand. We also try to make the development of views and modifiers easier
(with the help from the HTML
view, see the example
below), so pull requests are very welcome!
Don’t forget to check the “Contributing”
section first.
If you’d like to participate in the growing SwiftWasm community, you’re
also very welcome to join our Discord server, or the #webassembly
channel in the SwiftPM Slack.
Tokamak API attempts to resemble SwiftUI API as much as possible. The main difference is
that you use import TokamakShim
instead of import SwiftUI
in your files. The former makes
your views compatible with Apple platforms, as well as platforms supported by Tokamak (currently
only WebAssembly/WASI with more coming in the future):
import TokamakShim
struct Counter: View {
@State var count: Int
let limit: Int
var body: some View {
if count < limit {
VStack {
Button("Increment") { count += 1 }
.onAppear { print("Counter.VStack onAppear") }
.onDisappear { print("Counter.VStack onDisappear") }
} else {
VStack { Text("Limit exceeded") }
struct CounterApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup("Counter Demo") {
Counter(count: 5, limit: 15)
With the HTML
view you can also render any HTML you want, including inline SVG:
struct SVGCircle: View {
var body: some View {
HTML("svg", ["width": "100", "height": "100"]) {
HTML("circle", [
"cx": "50", "cy": "50", "r": "40",
"stroke": "green", "stroke-width": "4", "fill": "yellow",
doesn’t support event listeners, and is declared in the TokamakStaticHTML
module, which TokamakDOM
re-exports. The benefit of HTML
is that you can use it for static rendering in libraries like TokamakVapor and TokamakPublish.
Another option is the DynamicHTML
view provided by the TokamakDOM
module, which has a listeners
property with a corresponding initializer parameter. You can pass closures that can handle onclick
, onmouseover
and other DOM events for you in the listeners
dictionary. Check out MDN docs for the full list.
An example of mouse events handling with DynamicHTML
would look like this:
struct MouseEventsView: View {
@State var position: CGPoint = .zero
@State var isMouseButtonDown: Bool = false
var body: some View {
["style": "width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: red;"],
listeners: [
"mousemove": { event in
let x = event.offsetX.jsValue.number,
let y = event.offsetY.jsValue.number
else { return }
position = CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
"mousedown": { _ in isMouseButtonDown = true },
"mouseup": { _ in isMouseButtonDown = false },
) {
Text("position is \(position), is mouse button down? \(isMouseButtonDown)")
While JavaScriptKit
is a great option for occasional interactions with JavaScript,
sometimes you need to inject arbitrary scripts or styles, which can be done through direct
DOM access:
import JavaScriptKit
let document = JSObject.global.document
let script = document.createElement("script")
script.setAttribute("src", "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.27.0/moment.min.js")
_ = document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", #"""
This way both Semantic UI styles and moment.js
localized date formatting (or any arbitrary style/script/font added that way) are available in your
A new reconciler modeled after React’s Fiber reconciler
is optionally available. It can provide faster updates and allow for larger View hierarchies.
It also includes layout steps that can match SwiftUI layouts closer than CSS approximations.
You can specify which reconciler to use in your App
‘s configuration:
struct CounterApp: App {
static let _configuration: _AppConfiguration = .init(
// Specify `useDynamicLayout` to enable the layout steps in place of CSS approximations.
reconciler: .fiber(useDynamicLayout: true)
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup("Counter Demo") {
Counter(count: 5, limit: 15)
Note: Not all
s andViewModifier
s are supported by Fiber renderers yet.
0.15.x (carton is our build tool, see the “Getting started” section for installation steps)Any recent browser that supports WebAssembly and required
JavaScript features should work, which currently includes:
If you need to support older browser versions, you’ll have to build withJAVASCRIPTKIT_WITHOUT_WEAKREFS
when compiling. This should lower browser requirements to these versions:
Not all of these versions are tested on regular basis though, compatibility reports are very welcome!
Tokamak relies on carton
as a primary build tool. As a part of these steps
you’ll install carton
via Homebrew on macOS (unfortunately you’ll have to build
it manually on Linux). Assuming you already have Homebrew installed, you can create a new Tokamak
app by following these steps:
brew install swiftwasm/tap/carton
If you had carton
installed before this, make sure you have version 0.15.0 or greater:
carton --version
mkdir TokamakApp && cd TokamakApp
carton init --template tokamak
carton dev
can be kept running
carton dev
You can also clone this repository and run carton dev --product TokamakDemo
in its root
directory. This will build the demo app that shows almost all of the currently implemented APIs.
If you have any questions, pleaes check out the FAQ document, and/or join the
By default, the DOM renderer will escape HTML control characters in Text
views. If you wish
to override this functionality, you can use the _domTextSanitizer
Text("<font color='red'>Unsanitized Text</font>")
You can also use custom sanitizers; the argument to _domTextSanitizer
is simply aString -> String
closure. If _domTextSanitizer
is applied to a non-Text
it will apply to all Text
in subviews, unless overridden.
If you use user-generated or otherwise unsafe strings elsewhere, make sure to properly
sanitize them yourself.
unable to find utility "xctest"
error when buildingThis error can only happen on macOS, so make sure you have Xcode installed as listed in the
requirements. If you do have Xcode installed but still get the
error, please refer to this StackOverflow answer.
Open Package.swift
of your project that depends on Tokamak with Xcode and build it for macOS.
As Xcode currently doesn’t support cross-compilation for non-Apple platforms, your project can’t
be indexed if it doesn’t build for macOS, even if it isn’t fully function on macOS when running.
If you need to exclude some WebAssembly-specific code in your own app that doesn’t compile on macOS,
you can rely on #if os(WASI)
compiler directives.
All relevant modules of Tokamak (including TokamakDOM
) should compile on macOS. You may see issues
with TokamakShim
on macOS Catalina, where relevant SwiftUI APIs aren’t supported, but replacingimport TokamakShim
with import TokamakDOM
should resolve the issue until you’re able to update
to macOS Big Sur.
If you stumble upon code in Tokamak that doesn’t build on macOS and prevents syntax highlighting or
autocomplete from working in Xcode, please report it as a
Make sure you have the SourceKit LSP
installed. If you don’t trust this unofficial release, please follow the manual building and
installation guide. Apple currently
doesn’t provide an official build of the extension on the VSCode Marketplace unfortunately.
All contributions, no matter how small, are very welcome. You don’t have to be a web developer or a
SwiftUI expert to meaningfully contribute. In fact, by checking out how some of the simplest views are
implemented in Tokamak you may learn more how SwiftUI may work under the hood.
Updating our documentation and taking on the starter
is also appreciated. Don’t forget to join our Discord server to get in
touch with the maintainers and other users. See CONTRIBUTING.md
for more details.
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of
By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report
unacceptable behavior to conduct@tokamak.dev.
If this library saved you any amount of time or money, please consider sponsoring
the work of its maintainers on their sponsorship pages:
@kateinoigakukun, and
@MaxDesiatov. While some of the
sponsorship tiers give you priority support or even consulting time, any amount is
appreciated and helps in maintaining the project.
In alphabetical order: Carson Katri,
Ezra Berch,
Jed Fox,
Morten Bek Ditlevsen,
Yuta Saito.
SwiftUI is a trademark owned by Apple Inc. Software maintained as a part of the Tokamak project
is not affiliated with Apple Inc.
Tokamak is available under the Apache 2.0 license.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
See the LICENSE file for
more info.