Computational Aerodynamics Lab
Welcome to the Computational Aerodynamics Lab, here below you will find some useful information about the (free) Software you will need during the course, where to download it and some instruction to help you trought the preparation of the final report, to be delivered before the end of the laboratory course.
F1 rear wing - closed DRS: M. Cesarini, G. Chiarolla, A. Di Filippo
To carry out your simulations using the Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) you will need at least one of the following solvers:
To post-process the output of your simulations, you may need need one of the following:
To write your final report:
reading this quick guidegit
workflow with Visual Studio Code (better), GitHub Desktop or even Matlab (here’s a quick intro)To share any contribution with all your colleagues, after creating a GitHub Pro/Edu account, you just have to create a pull request following these instructions.
For any issue about the course, please contact
If you need help with the laboratory sessions, please contact