A Music app built using flutter
A Flutter musical app built with nodejs and firebase.
Bungee is the first music app build with Flutter. With a nice interface you can play punjabi music ,create playlists and share them with others. You can also search for particular artist or song.There is also switching of dark theme. Pagination is also used. Thank you
To use features of firebase in app you will have to paste your own keys at android/app/src
Following is list of libraries used in app.
1) Rxdart-Communication between different screens of app.
2) AudioPlayer-Playing music
3) Firebase-Creating playlists and storing recent searches,
4) Device info-Getting unique id of user.
5) Shared Preferences-Storing settings
6) Url launcher-Opening url.
7) Share-Sharing link
Following is list of important wigdets used in app.(Can’t list all 😁)
1) Navigator😍
2) WillPopScope
3) BackdropFilter
4) ClipRRect
5) CupertinoSliverNavigationBar
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
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