项目作者: madewithfelt

项目描述 :
A grid-based layout system for Flutter, inspired by CSS Grid Layout
高级语言: Dart
项目地址: git://github.com/madewithfelt/flutter_layout_grid.git
创建时间: 2019-11-12T03:09:46Z

开源协议:MIT License


Flutter Layout Grid

Github test

A powerful grid layout system for Flutter, optimized for complex user interface

Piet painting recreated using Flutter Layout Grid

Periodic table rendered using Flutter Layout Grid

Scrabble board rendered using Flutter Layout Grid

Click images to see their code


  • 📐 Fixed, flexible, and content-sized rows and columns
  • 👇 Precise control over placement of items, including the ability to span
    rows, columns, and overlap items
  • 💬 Named grid areas for descriptive positioning of children
  • 🦾 A configurable automatic grid item placement algorithm, capable of sparse
    and dense packing across rows and columns (docs)
  • 🔚 Right-to-left support, driven by ambient Directionality or configuration
  • ♿ Accessibility considerations (this is your responsibility as a frontend
    developer, so please read docs and learn
    related technologies)
  • 🩳 Extension methods and helper functions for descriptive, and short, layout
  • 🐛 Debugging aids, including widget property listings in
    Debug Painting, and visual indication of child overflow

Inspired by (and largely based on), the excellent CSS Grid

Getting Started

All the terminology used in this library is shared with the CSS Grid Layout
spec. If youʼre unfamiliar, I recommend taking a look at MDNʼs glossary of grid

For inclusion in your pubspec, see
pub.dev, or copy
the code below:

  1. dependencies:
  2. flutter_layout_grid: ^2.0.0



Desktop app layout rendered using Flutter Layout Grid


  1. import 'package:flutter_layout_grid/flutter_layout_grid.dart';
  2. class App extends StatelessWidget {
  3. @override
  4. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  5. return Container(
  6. color: background,
  7. child: LayoutGrid(
  8. // ASCII-art named areas 🔥
  9. areas: '''
  10. header header header
  11. nav content aside
  12. nav content .
  13. footer footer footer
  14. ''',
  15. // Concise track sizing extension methods 🔥
  16. columnSizes: [152.px, 1.fr, 152.px],
  17. rowSizes: [
  18. 112.px,
  19. auto,
  20. 1.fr,
  21. 64.px,
  22. ],
  23. // Column and row gaps! 🔥
  24. columnGap: 12,
  25. rowGap: 12,
  26. // Handy grid placement extension methods on Widget 🔥
  27. children: [
  28. Header().inGridArea('header'),
  29. Navigation().inGridArea('nav'),
  30. Content().inGridArea('content'),
  31. Aside().inGridArea('aside'),
  32. Footer().inGridArea('footer'),
  33. ],
  34. ),
  35. );
  36. }
  37. }

This example is available at

For a similar example that includes responsive behavior, check out

Sizing of Columns and Rows

The sizes of the gridʼs columns and rows are set using
LayoutGrid.columnSizes and LayoutGrid.rowSizes.

Hereʼs what a 4⨉3 grid might look like (4 columns, 3 rows):

  1. LayoutGrid(
  2. columnSizes: [4.5.fr, 100.px, auto, 1.fr],
  3. rowSizes: [
  4. auto,
  5. 100.px,
  6. 1.fr,
  7. ],
  8. )

Each element of columnSizes and rowSizes represents the function used to
size a column or row (collectively known as “track sizes”).

There are currently three way to size rows and columns:

Class Name Description Usage
FixedTrackSize Occupies a specific number of pixels on an axis FixedTrackSize(64)
FlexibleSizeTrack Fills remaining space after the initial layout has completed FlexibleTrackSize(1.5)
IntrinsicContentTrackSize Sized to contain its itemsʼ contents. Will also expand to fill available space, once FlexibleTrackSize tracks have been given the opportunity. IntrinsicContentTrackSize()

Technically, you can also define your own, but probably shouldnʼt as the API
will likely be evolving as I tackle

Naming areas of the grid

A gridʼs rows and columns can be sliced into areas — rectangular regions
containing one or more grid cells. These areas can be named (optionally), and
used to place gridʼs children. The areas are named using an ASCII-art string
provided to the areas parameter.

  1. LayoutGrid(
  2. areas: '''
  3. header header
  4. nav content
  5. footer footer
  6. ''',
  7. // ...
  8. )

Note: We use the same format as CSSʼs
except we use a multiline string.

If an areas argument has been provided to a grid, you must specify the same
number of sizes using columnSizes and rowSizes elements. For the example

  1. LayoutGrid(
  2. areas: '''
  3. header header
  4. nav content
  5. footer footer
  6. ''',
  7. // 2 columns, 3 rows, just like the areas string
  8. columnSizes: [
  9. auto, // contributes width to [nav, header, footer]
  10. 1.fr, // contributes width to [content, header, footer]
  11. ],
  12. rowSizes: [
  13. 96.px, // contributes height to [header]
  14. 1.fr, // contributes height to [nav, content]
  15. 72.px, // contributes height to [footer]
  16. ],
  17. children: [
  18. // ...
  19. ],
  20. )

Grid children can be assigned to named areas using the NamedAreaGridPlacement
widget. For more information, see assigning the child to a named

Positioning child widgets in the LayoutGrid

Once you have a grid, you have to tell its children which rows and columns
they should occupy. There are three ways of doing this:

Child placement by row and column indexes

A gridʼs child can be instructed to occupy a specific set of columns and rows
by using the GridPlacement widget.

For example, letʼs say you had a 4⨉3 grid, and you wanted a widget to be
positioned from column 1–4 and row 0–2:

  1. LayoutGrid(
  2. columnSizes: [1.fr, 1.fr, 1.fr, 1.fr],
  3. rowSizes: [
  4. 1.fr,
  5. 1.fr,
  6. 1.fr,
  7. ],
  8. children: [
  9. GridPlacement(
  10. columnStart: 1,
  11. columnSpan: 3,
  12. rowStart: 0,
  13. rowSpan: 2,
  14. child: MyWidget(),
  15. ),
  16. // Alternatively, an extension method on Widget is available
  17. MyWidget().withGridPlacement(
  18. columnStart: 1,
  19. columnSpan: 3,
  20. rowStart: 0,
  21. rowSpan: 2,
  22. ),
  23. ],
  24. )

GridPlacement also has a super power — all of its parameters are optional.
If, for example, you do not specify a rowStart, the automatic placement
will attempt to place the child in the
first vacant spot that it can find.

Child placement in named areas

If your grid has named areas defined, you can
place children in those areas using the NamedAreaGridPlacement widget. For

  1. LayoutGrid(
  2. areas: '''
  3. red red blue
  4. red red blue
  5. . . blue
  6. ''',
  7. // Note that the number of columns and rows matches the grid above (3x3)
  8. columnSizes: [64.px, 64.px, 64.px],
  9. rowSizes: [
  10. 64.px,
  11. 64.px,
  12. 64.px,
  13. ],
  14. children: [
  15. // Using NamedAreaGridPlacement constructor
  16. NamedAreaGridPlacement(
  17. areaName: 'red',
  18. child: Container(color: Colors.red),
  19. ),
  20. // Alternatively, an extension method on Widget is available
  21. Container(color: Colors.red).inGridArea('red'),
  22. ],
  23. )

NOTE: If a NamedAreaGridPlacement references a named area that doesnʼt
exist, it will not be displayed in the grid. This can be helpful when switching
between responsive layouts.

Automatic child placement

Grid children can be placed into rows and columns automatically based on partial
or non-existent placement information.

The algorithm responsible for automatic placement has several modes, selected
through the LayoutGrid.autoPlacement parameter. The behavior of these modes
are identical to those supported by CSSʼs grid, described described

When no placement information is provided

If a child is provided to the grid without being wrapped in a GridPlacement or
NamedAreaGridPlacement, it will be allotted a single cell (1⨉1), and placed
into the first vacant cell in the grid.

When partial placement information is provided

All of the GridPlacement widgetʼs parameters are optional. By specifying
additional positioning or spanning information with
columnStart/columnSpan/rowStart/rowSpan parameters, more
constraints are fed into the placement algorithm.

For example, if columnStart is provided, but not rowStart, the placement
algorithm will walk across the gridʼs rows until it finds a vacant area, in the
specified column, that accommodates the child.

Read more about CSSʼs grid placement

Accessibility and Placement

Take note that the meaning you convey visually through placement may not be
clear when presented by assitive technologies, as Flutter defaults to exposing
information in source order.

In situations where your semantic (visual) ordering differs from ordering in the
source, the ordering can be configured via the Semantics widgetʼs

For an example of this in practice, see

Automatic semantic ordering is currently being explored in

Differences from CSS Grid Layout

Things in CSS Grid Layout that are not supported:

  • Negative row/column starts/ends. In CSS, these values refer to positions
    relative to the end of a gridʼs axis. Handy, but weʼre not there yet.
  • Any cells outside of the explicit grid. If an item is placed outside of the
    area defined by your template rows/columns, we will throw an error. Support
    for automatic addition of rows and columns to accommodate out of bound items
    is being considered.
  • minmax(), percentages, aspect ratios track sizing


  • In flutter_layout_grid, flexible tracks do not account for their contentʼs
    base sizes as they do in CSS. Itʼs expensive to measure, and I opted for
  • Flexible tracks whose flex factors sum to < 1


  • Tests! (we now have a decent suite going)
  • Named template areas, for friendlier item placement
  • Improved track sizing, including minimum/maximums and aspect ratios
  • The ability to specify row and column gaps at specific line locations via
    1. a delegate
  • Implicit grid support (automatic growth along an axis as children are
    1. added)
  • Performance improvements, as soon as I can get this profiler running(!!!)