项目作者: Dvergar

项目描述 :
Resources for game development on haxe
高级语言: Haxe
项目地址: git://github.com/Dvergar/awesome-haxe-gamedev.git
创建时间: 2019-02-03T11:56:44Z

开源协议:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Awesome Haxe Game Development Awesome

A curated list of game development resources for Haxe 4, a high level strictly typed programming language which is used to produce cross-platform native code.

Feel free to update it.


Game engines

Those are Haxe 4 compatible game engines

  • Armory (Kha) - An open-source 3D game engine with full Blender integration (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Consoles).
  • Away3D - An open source, real-time 3D engine for OpenFL (Web, Mobile, Desktop).
  • ceramic - Cross-platform 2D framework (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Unity).
  • HaxeFlixel (OpenFL) - Free, cross-platform 2D game engine powered by OpenFL (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Consoles).
  • Haxegon (OpenFL) - A programming library for beginners. Powered by OpenFL and Starling (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Consoles).
  • Heaps - High Performance Game Framework (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Consoles).
  • hxdefold - Haxe/Lua externs for Defold game engine (Web, Mobile, Desktop).
  • OpenFL - Interactive game and app development library (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Consoles).
  • Starling - The “Cross-Platform Game Engine”, a popular Stage3D framework (Web, Mobile, Desktop).
  • Stencyl (OpenFL) - Create Flash, HTML5, iOS, Android, and desktop games with no code (Mobile, Desktop).
  • unreal.hx - Haxe Integration for Unreal (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Consoles).
  • HxGodot (Godot 4.0) - A Haxe GDExtension for Godot 4 (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Consoles).

Low-level Engine

  • Kha - Ultra-portable, high performance, open source multimedia framework (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Consoles).
  • Lime - A flexible, lightweight layer for Haxe cross-platform developers (Web, Mobile, Desktop).
  • linc_glfw - Desktop - GLFW binding (multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan) (Desktop).
  • NME - A cross-platform native backend (Web, Mobile, Desktop).
  • 3DSHaxe - Make 3ds homebrew! (3DS).


  • echo - Simple Physics Library.
  • haxebullet - Bullet 3D Physics.
  • nape-haxe4 - Physics Engine (the original Haxe3 version of nape can be found here).


  1. IoC == Inversion of Control
  2. EC == Entity Component
  3. ECS == Entity-Component-System
  4. FSM == Finite State Machine
  5. MVC == Model View Controller
  • awe6 - IoC, EC - The inverted game framework, is a development tool focused on Future Proofing.
  • ecx - ECS - An Entity Component System framework.
  • hexMachina - MVC - A powerful multi-modular MVC framework.
  • OSIS - ECS - Entity Component System architecture with networking support.


Serialization and storage

  • Bits - Binary bit flags with unlimited amount of bits.
  • CastleDB - A structured static database easing collaboration.
  • hxbit - A binary serialization and network synchronization library.
  • PODStream - Plain Old Data serializer.


More showcase :


3rd party API


goap - Goal-oriented action planner for AI.


  • spine-hx - Spine runtime automatically converted from the official Java/libgdx runtime.
  • HaxeFlixel - Spine parser.
  • Heaps-Spine - Spine player for heaps.
  • heaps-aseprite - Load and render sprites and animations in Aseprite format.
  • openfl-aseprite - Load and render sprites and animations in Aseprite format.
  • openfl-spine - Render Spine animation in the OpenFL engine, rendering processing can be achieved throughSprite and Tilemap.
  • ase - File format reader/writer for .ase/.aseprite without external dependencies.
  • flxgif - Yagp’s Gif Player for HaxeFlixel.


  • sfxr-hx - Pure haxe implementation of Sfxr.

Color manipulation

  • nxColor - Color manipulation library.


  • differ - A separation axis theorem collision library.

Computer Vision

  • Vision - Cross platform computer vision library.

Data structures


  • hxyarn - Parser and runner for Yarn dialogue files.




  • firetongue - A translation/localization framework.

Map parser

  • PyxelEdit Map Importer - Parser for maps generated by the editor PyxelEdit.
  • Heaps - Built-in parser for Tiled.
  • HaxeFlixel - Parser for Tiled & Ogmo.
  • LEd - 2D level editor with a typed compile time loader.
  • TiledHX - A comprehensive modern Tiled parser.

Math helpers

  • hxmath - A game-oriented math library.
  • haxe-glm - A toolset for using 2, 3, and 4 dimensional vectors and matrices, as well as quaternions.
  • hx-vector2d - Worlds most complete Vector2d / Point class. With operator overloading.


  • polymod - An atomic modding framework for games/apps.



  • extension-iap - Provides an access to in-app purchases (iOS) and in-app billing (Android) for OpenFL projects using a common API. Fork of this.


  • pathfinder - Easy A* pathfinding algorithm.
  • astar - Versatile framework-agnostic A-star solver Library.

Procedural generation

  • Dungeon builder - A set of dungeon generation algorithm (works w/ hx4 w/ minor changes).


  • HGSL - Haxe to GL Shading Language.
  • parasol - HaxeFlixel library of shaders.


Texture Packer

  • hxpk - Port of the libGDX Texture Packer.



  • domkit - CSS Components based strictly typed UI framework.
  • flixel-ui - GUI library for HaxeFlixel.
  • HaxeUI - UI library with multiple framework backends (HTML5, Kha, OpenFL, PixiJS, WxWidgets, and a number of others as works in progress).
  • Feathers UI - Cross-platform graphical user interface components for creative frontend projects.


  • hxCodec - Adds native video playback on HaxeFlixel and OpenFL.


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