A dynamic binding to the Discord RPC library [ABANDONED] [successor: discord-rpc-d]
A dynamic binding to the Discord Rich Presence (Discord-RPC) library.
This is not an official Derelict binding.
You’ll need a copy of the Discord-RPC dynamic library.
Either get the SDK and build it yourself
or download the pre-compiled binaries from GitHub releases page.
Please note that Discord-RPC are licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
In order to use this binding, add derelict_extras-discord-rpc
into the dependency section of your DUB project.
Also don’t forget to put the Discord-RPC binary into your application’s directory.
import derelict.discord.rpc;
void main()
// Load the Discord-RPC library.
// Now Discord-RPC functions can be called.
For further information on how to use Discord-RPC check the
Discord-RPC docs.
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