This role render an arbitrary number of Jinja2 templates and deploys or removes them to/from Kubernetes clusters.
This role renders an arbitrary number of Jinja2 templates and deploys
to or removes from one or multiple Kubernetes cluster.
Additionally this role offers a dry-run[1]
for Kubernetes deployments by doing a line-by-line diff between local templates and already
deployed templates.
Table of Contents
In order to use this role you need to meet the following software requirements:
The K8s role offers the following variables.
Variable | Type | Description |
k8s_create |
list | If set with any value, only deployments to create are executed. |
k8s_remove |
list | If set with any value, only deployments to remove are executed. |
k8s_tag |
string | Only deployments (create or remove) which have this tag specified in their definition are executed. |
k8s_force |
bool | Force deployment. The existing object will be replaced. |
Each of the following values can also be set per item and will then take precedence over the
below listed global values:
Variable | Type | Description |
k8s_context |
string | Global cluster context |
k8s_host |
string | The kubernetes API hostname |
k8s_api_key |
string | API key/token to authenticate against the cluster |
k8s_ssl_ca_cert |
string | Certificate authority to authenticate against the cluster |
k8s_cert_file |
string | Client certificate to authenticate against the cluster |
k8s_key_file |
string | Client key to authenticate against the cluster |
k8s_username |
string | Username to authenticate against the cluster |
k8s_password |
string | Password to authenticate against the cluster |
The only required item key is template
, everything else is optional.
# Specify a list of templates to remove
# Runs before k8s_templates_create
# Has the same arguments as k8s_templates_create
k8s_templates_remove: []
# Specify a list of templates to deploy
- template: # <str> Path to jinja2 template to deploy
tag: # <str> tag this template (used by k8s_tag to only deploy this list item)
tags: # <list> list of tags (mutually exclusive with tag)
- tag1
- tag2
context: # <str> Overwrites k8s_context for this item
host: # <str> Overwrites k8s_host for this item
api_key: # <str> Overwrites k8s_api_key for this item
ssl_ca_cert: # <str> Overwrites k8s_ssl_ca_cert for this item
cert_file: # <str> Overwrites k8s_cert_file for this item
key_file: # <str> Overwrites k8s_key_file for this item
username: # <str> Overwrites k8s_username for this item
password: # <str> Overwrites k8s_password for this item
The dry-run does not test if the templates to be deployed will actually work, it simply just adds
a diff output similar to git diff
. With this you will be able to see any changes your local
template will introduce compared to what is already deployed at the moment.
At a very brief level the dry-run works as follows:
Kubernetes automatically adds a lot of default options to its deployed templates, if no value
has been specified for it in your template. This would make the diff output unusable as local and
deployed templates would always show differences.
To overcome this problem, the K8s role offers a dictionary definition for all Kubernetes kinds
that define keys to ignore on remote side.
This ignore part is still work in progress as I did not have the chance to compare all available
deployment kinds. The current ignore implementation can be seen in vars/main.yml.
For dry-run it is recommended to use the --diff
option so that you can actually see the changes.
$ ansible-playbook playbook-k8s.yml -i inventories/dev/hosts --check --diff
TASK [k8s : [my-kubernetes-cluster.k8s.local] diff: namespace.yml.j2] *******************
--- before
+++ after
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
- annotations:
- Jenkins X
name: jenkinks
name: jenkinks
changed: [kubernetes]
TASK [k8s : [my-kubernetes-cluster.k8s.local] diff: metrics-server-dpl.yml.j2] **********
--- before
+++ after
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
- annotations: {}
k8s-app: metrics-server
name: metrics-server
@@ -10,10 +9,6 @@
k8s-app: metrics-server
+ strategy:
+ rollingUpdate:
+ maxSurge: '1'
+ maxUnavailable: '1'
changed: [kubernetes]
For all examples below, we will use the following Ansible playbook:
- hosts: all
- k8s
- k8s
Required files:
kind: Namespace
apiVersion: v1
name: {{ my_namespace }}
name: {{ my_namespace }}
# Custom variables for usage in templates
my_namespace: frontend
# Role variables
- template: path/to/create-k8s-namespace.yml.j2
How to execute:
# Deploy namespace
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml
# Overwrite namespace name
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e my_namespace=backend
Required files:
- template: path/to/pod1.yml.j2
tag: stage1
- template: path/to/pod2.yml.j2
- pod
- stage2
- template: path/to/ds1.yml.j2
tag: stage1
- template: path/to/ds2.yml.j2
- pod
- stage2
How to execute:
# Remove and deploy all files
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml
# Only deploy files
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e k8s_create=1
# Only deploy files with tag stage1
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e k8s_create=1 -e k8s_tag=stage1
Required files:
# context is global for all deployment files
k8s_context: minikube
- template: path/to/pod1.yml.j2
- template: path/to/pod2.yml.j2
# The next item uses a different context (takes precedence over global context)
- template: path/to/pod3.yml.j2
context: dev-cluster
How to execute:
# When a context is attached to an item (as with pod3.yml)
# it will take precedence over any globally specified context.
# So this example will deploy everything into the cluster specified by the global context,
# except pod3.yml, which will always go into dev-cluster
# Deploy everything into minikube (pod3.yml will however be deployed into dev-cluster)
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e k8s_create=1
# Deploy everything into a different cluster (pod3.yml will however be deployed into dev-cluster)
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e k8s_create=1 -e k8s_context=prod-cluster
In order to run the tests you need to meet the following software requirements:
# Lint the source files
make lint
# Run integration tests with default Ansible version
make test
# Run integration tests with custom Ansible version
make test ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6
Copyright (c) 2018 cytopia