项目作者: ariel-morrison

项目描述 :
Repository for analyzing skin conductance data from galvanic skin sensors (Empatica E4).
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/ariel-morrison/hand_sensor_test.git
创建时间: 2019-06-21T01:33:58Z



Repository for hand sensor data analysis

Written by Ariel Morrison, University of Colorado/Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, ariel dot morrison at colorado dot edu

Reference for controlled setting: Morrison, A.L. et al. (2019), Quantifying student engagement in learning about climate change using galvanic hand sensors in a controlled educational setting. Climatic Change, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-019-02576-6.

Description: This script analyzes skin conductance data from Empatica E4 hand sensors. It reads and unzips zip archives downloaded from the Empatica website, performs a simple continuous decomposition analysis, calculates the mean percent difference in skin conductance between an activity and a person’s baseline, and saves the analyzed data as a .csv output.

To download the code:
git clone https://github.com/armo1216/hand_sensor_test


Do steps 1-2 the FIRST time you run the code:

1) Install clean virtual environment to run code:

python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv

Note: If your pip package is out of date, update the pip package when prompted.

2) Create virtual environment to download code requirements and run code:

python3 -m venv env

Note: If you get an error message “Error returned non-zero exit status 1,” run this command without pip:

python3 -m venv env --without-pip

If you’ve already installed a virtual environment in your working directory, start here:

3) Activate your virtual environment:

source env/bin/activate

4) Install requirements.txt (contains all required packages) using pip:

Example command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: If a package needs to be uninstalled before the requirements can be installed, use conda uninstall $package

5) Run the script with user inputs:

python formattingSensorData.py $working_dir $timing_xcel $sheetname $beri_exists $beri_files $FS $delta $pref_dpi $separate_baseline $continuous_baseline $grade_files $grades_exist

Example commands:

  • Running with BERI protocol, continuous baseline, and grades:
    python formattingSensorData.py "/Users/amorrison/Projects/hand_sensor_test/1060data" ATOC1060TimingComponents.xlsx total_timing_with_baseline True "beri_files" 4 0.25 800 False True "ATOC-1060-2018_Grades.xlsx" True

  • Running without BERI protocol, continuous baseline, without grades:
    python formattingSensorData.py "/Users/amorrison/Projects/hand_sensor_test/1060data" ATOC1060TimingComponents.xlsx total_timing_with_baseline False "no_beri" 4 0.25 800 False True "no grades" False

  • Running with BERI protocol, entire semester baseline, and grades:
    python formattingSensorData.py "/Users/jkay/Documents/jenkay/jek_research/ATOC1060_EducationResearch/hand_sensor_test-master/1060data" ATOC1060TimingComponents.xlsx total_timing True "beri_files" 4 0.25 800 False False "ATOC-1060-2018_Grades.xlsx" True

  • Running without BERI protocol, continuous baseline, without grades:
    python formattingSensorData.py "/Users/jkay/Documents/jenkay/jek_research/ATOC1060_EducationResearch/hand_sensor_test-master/1060data" ATOC1060TimingComponents.xlsx total_timing_with_baseline False "no_beri" 4 0.25 800 False True "no_grades" False

User-defined inputs:

  1. Working directory, where all downloaded zip archives are stored and where all output will be saved: $working_dir — e.g., “/Users/amorrison/Projects/hand_sensor_test/empaticadata” (put it in quotes)
  2. Spreadsheet with component timing, including file extension: $timing_xcel — e.g., study_timing.xlsx, study_timing.xls (no quotes, needs the file extension)
  3. Sheet name in $timing_xcel: $sheetname — e.g., total_timing (no quotes)
  4. Are you using BERI observations? True or false: $beri_exists — e.g., True (NOTE: only True or False are acceptable inputs)
  5. BERI protocol observations directory: $beri_files — e.g., “beri_files” (put it in quotes)
  6. Sampling frequency per second: $Fs — e.g., 4 (4 default for E4 sensors, integer, units = samples per second)
  7. Time interval of recording: $delta — e.g., 0.25 (0.25 default for E4 sensors, float, units = samples recorded every 0.25 seconds)
  8. Preferred dpi (resolution) for saved .pdf figures: $pref_dpi — e.g., 500, 1000, 2000 (900 is a good readable resolution)
  9. Separate baseline recording? Baselines are separate if they are read in from a different file and then applied to one or more student records. True or False: $separate_baseline — e.g., True (NOTE: If baselines are recorded separately, must be stored in a subdirectory of the working directory called “calibration”)
  10. Continuous baseline recording? Baselines are continuous if they are part of the same skin conductance record to which they are being compared. For example, if the first 3 minutes of the skin conductance record are the ‘baseline,’ then choose True for the continuous baseline. True or False: $continuous_baseline — e.g., False
  • NOTE: Baseline will default to an average over all the study activities if both separate_baseline and continuous_baseline are False.
  1. Spreadsheet where grades are stored: $grade_files — e.g., “ENV1000_grades.xlsx” (put it in quotes)
  2. Are you using grades in your analysis? True or false: $ grades_exist — e.g., True (NOTE: only True or False are acceptable inputs)

Files saved to output directory:

7 figures:

  • total skin conductance from hand sensors (line)
  • phasic component of skin conductance (line)
  • tonic component of skin conductance (line)

The 3 above figures are only made for one sensor at a time - i.e., there is no averaging. They are snapshots of one sensor’s data.

  • bar chart of mean percent difference between activity and baseline skin conductance
  • bar chart of mean percent difference between activity and baseline skin conductance, outliers removed
  • bar chart of median percent difference between activity and baseline skin conductance
  • histogram of mean percent difference between activity and baseline skin conductance

The above figures are averages across all sensors.

4 .csv files with statistics:

  • for each activity: mean and median percent difference between activity and baseline skin conductance, std. deviation and std. error for mean percent difference, total time (in seconds) spent on each activity
  • mean/standard deviation/standard error of skin conductance values for all sensors, all activities
  • mean/standard deviation/standard error of number of engaged/disengaged students during class activities, based on BERI protocol
  • grade breakdown, separated by STEM/non-STEM and gender (if grades are used)

Common sources of error:

  • Incorrect working directory. working_dir must be the directory where all input data are stored, even if your script is not stored there.
  • Omitting user inputs. All 12 of the user-defined inputs must be included when calling the script.
  • Incorrect user inputs. All Boolean inputs can only be True/False.
  • Timing format is incorrect. When recording the activity timing in a spreadsheet, the format must always be YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. If the day and month columns are switched, the month column may end up out of range (e.g., if the date is September 28 and the month/day columns are switched then there will be an error because there are not 28 months).
  • Not including “Baseline” as an activity if using the continuous baseline. The separate and entire_semester baselines do not need to read “Baseline” as an activity in the timing spreadsheet.