项目作者: TowhidKashem

项目描述 :
👻 A SnapChat clone built with React, Redux and Typescript. Styled with SASS. Tested with Cypress, Jest and Enzyme. Linted with Eslint and formatted with Prettier!
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/TowhidKashem/snapchat-clone.git
创建时间: 2020-04-28T00:19:35Z

开源协议:MIT License


👻 Snapchat Clone




[Live App]

[Video Demo]


  • Built with React

    • Only functional components using hooks

    • Folder structure:

      • Flat - no greater than one level deep

      • Modular - each folder contains all the relevant files needed to make
        up a particular feature (components, styles, tests, actions, etc).
        Having everything close at hand reduces cognitive load and deleting
        a folder removes the feature entirely from the code base without
        having to worry about left over code

      • Organized semantically by Feature (not by the traditional
        “components/containers” model), this way of reasoning is more human

      • components directory houses all shared components

    • Custom component library showcased in Storybook

    • Relatively few prod dependencies

  • Global state management via Redux

    • Uses Redux Toolkit - the official recommended
      approach to using Redux which drastically cuts the need to write
      boilerplate code

    • A single store.ts file for each feature contains all actions and
      reducers (the creators are auto generated by RTK)

    • Flat state tree avoids deeply nested properties

    • RTK has built-in support for ImmerJS which allows state to
      be safely mutated removing the need for messy object copying via spread

    • Uses the useDispatch and useSelector hooks
      provided by react-redux for accessing state values and
      dispatching actions over the more verbose connect method

    • Uses thunk for async operations

    • Integrates the powerful
      Redux Devtools Extension for ease of development

  • Styled with SASS

    • Each view’s set of rules are scoped to a single parent element via
      nesting to avoid style clashes

    • Use of variables, extendables and mixins to keep things DRY and uniform

  • Written in Typescript

    • To let the compiler catch bugs at build time instead of letting users
      catch them at runtime!

  • Unit tested with Jest and Enzyme

  • End-to-end tested with Cypress

    • Selectors use data attributes instead of classes or ids as
      these can change often causing tests to break

    • Integration suite covers all essential feature happy paths

  • Linted using Eslint

  • Code is auto formatted using Prettier (ran as a pre-commit git
    hook) before it gets pushed to the repo

  • Feels close to a native app if you “add to homescreen” on mobile

💿 Installation

Run these commands in the terminal:

  1. $ git clone git@github.com:TowhidKashem/snapchat-clone.git

  2. $ cd snapchat-clone

  3. $ npm install

    • This will:

      • Install the dependencies in package.json

      • Checkout
        package (used for the filters) and set it to the last version this
        project was tested and confirmed to work with

      • Run gulp to concatenate, minify and transpile the files
        located in public/filters/source/*.js into a single
        file called filters.min.js

  4. This part is optional but strongly recommended, without it you won’t be able
    to view any of the snap map features:

    • Make a Mapbox account and
      get a free API key

    • In the .env file enter your new API key, for example:

      • Before:

      • After: REACT_APP_MAP_BOX_API_KEY=xy.abc123

  5. $ npm start

    • The app should open automatically in your browser usually at

      • In Chrome you will receive a “Your connection is not private”

        • Click “Advanced” > “Proceed to localhost (unsafe)”

          • You’ll get this warning because the app uses a self signed
            https certificate. The
            getUserMedia API used by the camera requires
            the https protocol so we run the dev server in
            https mode.

      • After this you will be prompted to give access to your webcam, click

    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3

  6. You’re all set! 🎉

🦮 Guides

Not all the buttons are actionable, many of them are there just for show
since this is a minimal demo. This
shows all the things you can currently do. Where it’s not obvious which
buttons actually work I added red box-shadows as guides.

🛠 Tooling

Storybook is used to showcase the app’s custom
component library. You can run Storybook using the command
npm run storybook

Redux Devtools Extension is implemented in the app,
it makes things like viewing the state tree, state flow and debugging
much easier, to use it you need to install the browser extension

🧪 Testing

End-to-End Tests

👆Click to see all tests run

  • All e2e tests are located in

    • To run these first make sure the dev server is up and running
      via npm start, then use the command
      npm run e2e

    • This will open the Cypress electron app. Click “Run all specs”
      at the top right, you’ll then get a Chrome instance and see all
      the tests being run

  • Alternatively you can run the test suite in the terminal using the
    command npm run e2e-headless. This command still
    generates videos in cypress/videos/
    .mp4 of the tests
    should you need them

Unit Tests

  • All the shared components in the components directory have
    unit tests inside their respective folders. They end with a
    *.test.tsx extension.

  • To run the unit test suite use the command
    npm run test

  • These tests are also automatically run on each commit, if there are
    any failures the commit will also fail

📝 Misc Notes

  • If you want to make changes to the filter files located in
    public/filters/src/.js, run the command
    npm run gulp watchJS so that your changes get picked up

  • The project’s baseUrl is set to the src directory
    in tsconfig so you can use clean import paths like
    import Foo from ‘components/Foo’; instead of messy ones like
    import Foo from ‘../../components/Foo’;. You can also use these in
    the SASS files, e.g. @import ‘~styles/foo’;

  • This is a purely front end demo, the “API” is nothing but a bunch of json
    files with hard coded dummy data, they’re located in

⚠️ Contributing

Please note I won’t be accepting PR’s on this project since it’s part of my
personal portfolio. You’re more than welcome to fork and maintain your own
version if you like!

⚖️ License

The Snapchat name, artwork, trademark are all property of Snap Inc. This
project is provided for educational purposes only. It is not affiliated with
and has not been approved by Snap Inc.