项目作者: punchcard

项目描述 :
Type-safe AWS infrastructure.
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/punchcard/punchcard.git
创建时间: 2019-04-17T22:08:25Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


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Punchcard is a TypeScript framework for building cloud applications with the AWS CDK. It unifies infrastructure code with runtime code, meaning you can both declare resources and implement logic within the context of one node.js application. AWS resources are thought of as generic, type-safe objects — DynamoDB Tables are like a Map<K, V>; SNS Topics, SQS Queues, and Kinesis Streams feel like an Array<T>; and a Lambda Function is akin to a Function<A, B> – like the standard library of a programming language.

Blog Series

If you’d like to learn more about the philosophy behind this project, check out my blog series:

Sample Repository

https://github.com/punchcard/punchcard-example - fork to get started

Developer Guide

To understand the internals, there is the guide:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Creating Functions
  3. Runtime Dependencies
  4. Shapes: Type-Safe Schemas
  5. Dynamic (and safe) DynamoDB DSL
  6. Stream Processing


Initialize an App and Stack:

  1. const app = new Core.App();
  2. const stack = app.stack('hello-world');

Runtime Code and Dependencies

Creating a Lambda Function is super simple - just create it and implement handle:

  1. new Lambda.Function(stack, 'MyFunction', {}, async (event) => {
  2. console.log('hello world');
  3. });

To contact other services in your Function, data structures such as SNS Topics, SQS Queues, DynamoDB Tables, etc. are declared as a Dependency.

This will create the required IAM policies for your Function’s IAM Role, add any environment variables for details such as the Topic’s ARN, and automatically create a client for accessing the Construct. The result is that your handle function is now passed a topic instance which you can interact with:

  1. new Lambda.Function(stack, 'MyFunction', {
  2. depends: topic,
  3. }, async (event, topic) => {
  4. await topic.publish(new NotificationRecord({
  5. key: 'some key',
  6. count: 1,
  7. timestamp: new Date()
  8. }));
  9. });

Furthermore, its interface is higher-level than what would normally be expected when using the aws-sdk, and it’s also type-safe: the argument to the publish method is not an opaque string or Buffer, it is an object with keys and rich types such as Date. This is because data structures in punchcard, such as Topic, Queue, Stream, etc. are generic with statically declared types (like an Array<T>):

  1. /**
  2. * Message is a JSON Object with properties: `key`, `count` and `timestamp`.
  3. */
  4. class NotificationRecord extends Type({
  5. key: string,
  6. count: integer,
  7. timestamp
  8. }) {}
  9. const topic = new SNS.Topic(stack, 'Topic', {
  10. shape: NofiticationRecord
  11. });

This Topic is now of type:

  1. Topic<NotificationRecord>

Type-Safe DynamoDB Expressions

This feature in punchcard becomes even more evident when using DynamoDB. To demonstrate, let’s create a DynamoDB Table and use it in a Function:

  1. // class describing the data in the DynamoDB Table
  2. class TableRecord extends Type({
  3. id: string,
  4. count: integer
  5. .apply(Minimum(0))
  6. }) {}
  7. // table of TableRecord, with a single hash-key: 'id'
  8. const table = new DynamoDB.Table(stack, 'my-table', {
  9. data: TableRecord
  10. key: {
  11. partition: 'id'
  12. }
  13. });

Now, when getting an item from DynamoDB, there is no need to use AttributeValues such as { S: 'my string' }, like you would when using the low-level aws-sdk. You simply use ordinary javascript types:

  1. const item = await table.get({
  2. id: 'state'
  3. });

The interface is statically typed and derived from the definition of the Table - we specified the partitionKey as the id field which has type string, and so the object passed to the get method must correspond.

PutItem and UpdateItem have similarly high-level and statically checked interfaces. More interestingly, condition and update expressions are built with helpers derived (again) from the table definition:

  1. // put an item if it doesn't exist
  2. await table.put(new TableRecord({
  3. id: 'state',
  4. count: 1
  5. }), {
  6. if: _ => _.id.notExists()
  7. });
  8. // increment the count property by 1 if it is less than 0
  9. await table.update({
  10. // value of the partition key
  11. id: 'state'
  12. }, {
  13. // use the DSL to construt an array of update actions
  14. actions: _ => [
  15. _.count.increment(1)
  16. ],
  17. // optional: use the DSL to construct a conditional expression for the update
  18. if: _ => _.id.lessThan(0)
  19. });

To also specify sortKey, use a tuple of TableRecord's keys:

  1. const table = new DynamoDB.Table(stack, 'my-table',{
  2. data: TableRecord,
  3. key: {
  4. partition: 'id',
  5. sort: 'count'
  6. }
  7. });

Now, you can also build typesafe query expressions:

  1. await table.query({
  2. // id is the partition key, so we must provide a literal value
  3. id: 'id',
  4. // count is the sort key, so use the DSL to construct the sort-key condition
  5. count: _ => _.greaterThan(1)
  6. }, {
  7. // optional: use the DSL to construct a filter expression
  8. filter: _ => _.count.lessThan(0)
  9. })

Stream Processing

Punchcard has the concept of Stream data structures, which should feel similar to in-memory streams/arrays/lists because of its chainable API, including operations such as map, flatMap, filter, collect etc. Data structures that implement Stream are: SNS.Topic, SQS.Queue, Kinesis.Stream, Firehose.DeliveryStream and Glue.Table.

For example, given an SNS Topic:

  1. const topic = new SNS.Topic(stack, 'Topic', {
  2. shape: NotificationRecord
  3. });

You can attach a new Lambda Function to process each notification:

  1. topic.notifications().forEach(stack, 'ForEachNotification', {},
  2. async (notification) => {
  3. console.log(`notification delayed by ${new Date().getTime() - notification.timestamp.getTime()}ms`);
  4. });

Or, create a new SQS Queue and subscribe notifications to it:

(Messages in the Queue are of the same type as the notifications in the Topic.)

  1. const queue = topic.toSQSQueue(stack, 'MyNewQueue');

We can then, perhaps, map over each message in the Queue and collect the results into a new AWS Kinesis Stream:

  1. class LogDataRecord extends Type({
  2. key: string,
  3. count: integer,
  4. tags: array(string)
  5. timestamp
  6. }) {}
  7. const stream = queue.messages()
  8. .map(async (message, e) => new LogDataRecord({
  9. ...message,
  10. tags: ['some', 'tags'],
  11. }))
  12. .toKinesisStream(stack, 'Stream', {
  13. // partition values across shards by the 'key' field
  14. partitionBy: value => value.key,
  15. // type of the data in the stream
  16. shape: LogData
  17. });

With data in a Stream, we might want to write out all records to a new S3 Bucket by attaching a new Firehose DeliveryStream to it:

  1. const s3DeliveryStream = stream.toFirehoseDeliveryStream(stack, 'ToS3');

With data now flowing to S3, let’s partition and catalog it in a Glue.Table (backed by a new S3.Bucket) so we can easily query it with AWS Athena, AWS EMR and AWS Glue:

  1. import glue = require('@aws-cdk/aws-glue');
  2. import { Glue } from 'punchcard';
  3. const database = stack.map(stack => new glue.Database(stack, 'Database', {
  4. databaseName: 'my_database'
  5. }));
  6. s3DeliveryStream.objects().toGlueTable(stack, 'ToGlue', {
  7. database,
  8. tableName: 'my_table',
  9. columns: LogDataRecord,
  10. partition: {
  11. // Glue Table partition keys: minutely using the timestamp field
  12. keys: Glue.Partition.Minutely,
  13. // define the mapping of a record to its Glue Table partition keys
  14. get: record => Glue.Partition.byMinute(record.timestamp)
  15. }
  16. });

Example Stacks


This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.