Pluggable Ruby translation framework
This is the readme for version 1.x of Mobility. If you are using an earlier
version (0.8.x or earlier), you probably want the readme on the 0-8
Mobility is a gem for storing and retrieving translations as attributes on a
class. These translations could be the content of blog posts, captions on
images, tags on bookmarks, or anything else you might want to store in
different languages. For examples of what Mobility can do, see the
Companies using Mobility section below.
Storage of translations is handled by customizable “backends” which encapsulate
different storage strategies. The default way to store translations
is to put them all in a set of two shared tables, but many alternatives are
also supported, including translatable
columns and
model translation
tables, as
well as database-specific storage solutions such as
json/jsonb and
Hstore (for
Mobility is a cross-platform solution, currently supporting both
and Sequel ORM, with support for other
platforms planned.
For a detailed introduction to Mobility, see Translating with
Mobility. See also my
talk at RubyConf 2018, Building Generic
Software, where I explain the
thinking behind Mobility’s design.
If you’re coming from Globalize, be sure to also read the Migrating from
section of the wiki.
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'mobility', '~> 1.3.2'
To translate attributes on a model, extend Mobility
, then call translates
passing in one or more attributes as well as a hash of options (see below).
If using Mobility in a Rails project, you can run the generator to create an
initializer and a migration to create shared translation tables for the
default KeyValue
rails generate mobility:install
(If you do not plan to use the default backend, you may want to use
the --without_tables
option here to skip the migration generation.)
The generator will create an initializer file config/initializers/mobility.rb
which looks something like this:
Mobility.configure do
plugins do
backend :key_value
# ...
Each method call inside the block passed to plugins
declares a plugin, along
with an optional default. To use a different default backend, you can
change the default passed to the backend
plugin, like this:
Mobility.configure do
plugins do
- backend :key_value
+ backend :table
See other possible backends in the backends section.
You can also set defaults for backend-specific options. Below, we set the
default type
option for the KeyValue backend to :string
Mobility.configure do
plugins do
- backend :key_value
+ backend :key_value, type: :string
We will assume the configuration above in the examples that follow.
See Getting Started to get started translating your models.
When configuring Mobility, ensure that you include the sequel
plugins do
backend :key_value
- active_record
+ sequel
You can extend Mobility
just like in ActiveRecord, or you can use themobility
plugin, which does the same thing:
class Word < ::Sequel::Model
plugin :mobility
translates :name, :meaning
Otherwise everything is (almost) identical to AR, with the exception that there
is no equivalent to a Rails generator, so you will need to create the migration
for any translation table(s) yourself, using Rails generators as a reference.
The models in examples below all inherit from ApplicationRecord
, but
everything works exactly the same if the parent class is Sequel::Model
Once the install generator has been run to generate translation tables, using
Mobility is as easy as adding a few lines to any class you want to translate.
Simply pass one or more attribute names to the translates
method with a hash
of options, like this:
class Word < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :name, :meaning
Note: When using the KeyValue backend, use the options hash to pass each attribute’s type:
class Word < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :name, type: :string
translates :meaning, type: :text
This is important because this is how Mobility knows to which of the two translation tables it should save your translation.
You now have translated attributes name
and meaning
on the model Word
You can set their values like you would any other attribute:
word = = "mobility"
word.meaning = "(noun): quality of being changeable, adaptable or versatile"
#=> "mobility"
#=> "(noun): quality of being changeable, adaptable or versatile"
word = Word.first
#=> "mobility"
#=> "(noun): quality of being changeable, adaptable or versatile"
Presence methods are also supported:
#=> true = nil
#=> false = ""
#=> false
What’s different here is that the value of these attributes changes with the
value of I18n.locale
I18n.locale = :ja
#=> nil
#=> nil
The name
and meaning
of this word are not defined in any locale except
English. Let’s define them in Japanese and save the model: = "モビリティ"
word.meaning = "(名詞):動きやすさ、可動性"
#=> "モビリティ"
#=> "(名詞):動きやすさ、可動性"
Now our word has names and meanings in two different languages:
word = Word.first
I18n.locale = :en
#=> "mobility"
#=> "(noun): quality of being changeable, adaptable or versatile"
I18n.locale = :ja
#=> "モビリティ"
#=> "(名詞):動きやすさ、可動性"
Internally, Mobility is mapping the values in different locales to storage
locations, usually database columns. By default these values are stored as keys
(attribute names) and values (attribute translations) on a set of translation
tables, one for strings and one for text columns, but this can be easily
changed and/or customized (see the Backends section below).
The easiest way to get or set a translation is to use the getter and setter
methods described above (
), enabled by including
the reader
and writer
You may also want to access the value of an attribute in a specific locale,
independent of the current value of I18n.locale
(or Mobility.locale
). There
are a few ways to do this.
The first way is to define locale-specific methods, one for each locale you
want to access directly on a given attribute. These are called “locale
accessors” in Mobility, and can be enabled by including the locale_accessors
plugin, with a default set of accessors:
plugins do
# ...
+ locale_accessors [:en, :ja]
You can also override this default from translates
in any model:
class Word < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :name, locale_accessors: [:en, :ja]
Since we have enabled locale accessors for English and Japanese, we can access
translations for these locales with name_en
and name_ja
#=> "mobility"
#=> "モビリティ"
word.name_en = "foo"
#=> "foo"
Other locales, however, will not work:
#=> NoMethodError: undefined method `name_ru' for #<Word id: ... >
With no plugin option (or a default of true
), Mobility generates methods for
all locales in I18n.available_locales
at the time the model is first loaded.
An alternative to using the locale_accessors
plugin is to use thefallthrough_accessors
plugin. This uses Ruby’smethod_missing
to implicitly define the same methods as above, but supporting any locale
without any method definitions. (Locale accessors and fallthrough locales can
be used together without conflict, with locale accessors taking precedence if
defined for a given locale.)
Ensure the plugin is enabled:
plugins do
# ...
+ fallthrough_accessors
… then we can access any locale we want, without specifying them upfront:
word =
word.name_fr = "mobilité"
#=> "mobilité"
word.name_ja = "モビリティ"
#=> "モビリティ"
(Note however that Mobility will complain if you haveI18n.enforce_available_locales
set to true
and you try accessing a locale
not present in I18n.available_locales
; set it to false
if you want to allow
any locale.)
Another way to fetch values in a locale is to pass the locale
option to the
getter method, like this: :en)
#=> "mobility" :fr)
#=> "mobilité"
Note that setting the locale this way will pass an option locale: true
to the
backend and all plugins. Plugins may use this option to change their behavior
(passing the locale explicitly this way, for example, disables
fallbacks, see below for details).
You can also set the value of an attribute this way; however, since = <value>
syntax does not accept any options, the only way to do this is to
use send
(this is included mostly for consistency):
word.send(:name=, "mobiliteit", locale: :nl)
#=> "mobiliteit"
Yet another way to get and set translated attributes is to call read
on the storage backend, which can be accessed using the method<attribute>_backend
. Without worrying too much about the details of
how this works for now, the syntax for doing this is simple:
#=> "mobility"
#=> "mobiliteit"
word.name_backend.write(:en, "foo")
#=> "foo"
Internally, all methods for accessing translated attributes ultimately end up
reading and writing from the backend instance this way. (The write
do not call underlying backend’s methods to persist the change. This is up to
the user, so e.g. with ActiveRecord you should call save
write the changes to
the database).
Note that accessor methods are defined in an included module, so you can wrap
reads or writes in custom logic:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :title
def title(*)
It may not always be desirable to use I18n.locale
to set the locale for
content translations. For example, a user whose interface is in English
is :en
) may want to see content in Japanese. If you useI18n.locale
exclusively for the locale, you will have a hard time showing
stored translations in one language while showing the interface in another
For these cases, Mobility also has its own locale, which defaults toI18n.locale
but can be set independently:
I18n.locale = :en
Mobility.locale #=> :en
Mobility.locale = :fr
Mobility.locale #=> :fr
I18n.locale #=> :en
To set the Mobility locale in a block, you can use Mobility.with_locale
Mobility.locale = :en
Mobility.with_locale(:ja) do
Mobility.locale #=> :ja
Mobility.locale #=> :en
Mobility uses RequestStore to
reset these global variables after every request, so you don’t need to worry
about thread safety. If you’re not using Rails, consult RequestStore’s
details on how to configure it for your use case.
Mobility offers basic support for translation fallbacks. First, enable thefallbacks
plugins do
# ...
+ fallbacks
+ locale_accessors
Fallbacks will require fallthrough_accessors
to handle methods liketitle_en
, which are used to track changes. For performance reasons it’s
generally best to also enable the locale_accessors
plugin as shown above.
Now pass a hash with fallbacks for each locale as an option when defining
translated attributes on a class:
class Word < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :name, fallbacks: { de: :ja, fr: :ja }
translates :meaning, fallbacks: { de: :ja, fr: :ja }
Internally, Mobility assigns the fallbacks hash to an instance ofI18n:
By setting fallbacks for German and French to Japanese, values will fall
through to the Japanese value if none is present for either of these locales,
but not for other locales:
Mobility.locale = :ja
word = Word.create(name: "モビリティ", meaning: "(名詞):動きやすさ、可動性")
Mobility.locale = :de
#=> "モビリティ"
#=> "(名詞):動きやすさ、可動性"
Mobility.locale = :fr
#=> "モビリティ"
#=> "(名詞):動きやすさ、可動性"
Mobility.locale = :ru
#=> nil
#=> nil
You can optionally disable fallbacks to get the real value for a given locale
(for example, to check if a value in a particular locale is set or not) by
passing fallback: false
(singular, not plural) to the getter method:
Mobility.locale = :de
word.meaning(fallback: false)
#=> nil
Mobility.locale = :fr
word.meaning(fallback: false)
#=> nil
Mobility.locale = :ja
word.meaning(fallback: false)
#=> "(名詞):動きやすさ、可動性"
You can also set the fallback locales for a single read by passing one or more
Mobility.with_locale(:fr) do
word.meaning = "(nf): aptitude à bouger, à se déplacer, à changer, à évoluer"
Mobility.locale = :de
word.meaning(fallback: false)
#=> nil
word.meaning(fallback: :fr)
#=> "(nf): aptitude à bouger, à se déplacer, à changer, à évoluer"
word.meaning(fallback: [:ja, :fr])
#=> "(名詞):動きやすさ、可動性"
Also note that passing a locale
option into an attribute reader or writer, or
using locale accessors or fallthrough accessors to get or set
any attribute value, will disable fallbacks (just like fallback: false
(This will take precedence over any value of the fallback
Continuing from the last example:
word.meaning(locale: :de)
#=> nil
#=> nil
Mobility.with_locale(:de) { word.meaning }
#=> "(名詞):動きやすさ、可動性"
For more details, see the API documentation on
and this article on I18n
Another option is to assign a default value, using the default
plugins do
# ...
+ default 'foo'
Here we’ve set a “default default” of 'foo'
, which will be returned if a fetch would
otherwise return nil
. This can be overridden from model classes:
class Word < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :name, default: 'foo'
Mobility.locale = :ja
word = Word.create(name: "モビリティ")
#=> "モビリティ"
Mobility.locale = :de
#=> "foo"
You can override the default by passing a default
option to the attribute reader:
#=> 'foo' nil)
#=> nil 'bar')
#=> 'bar'
The default can also be a Proc
, which will be called with the context as the
model itself, and passed optional arguments (attribute, locale and options
passed to accessor) which can be used to customize behaviour. See the API
docs for details.
Dirty tracking (tracking of changed attributes) can be enabled for models which
support it. Currently this is models which include
(like ActiveRecord::Base
) and Sequel models (through the
First, ensure the dirty
plugin is enabled in your configuration, and that you
have enabled an ORM plugin (either active_record
or sequel
), since the
dirty plugin will depend on one of these being enabled.
plugins do
# ...
+ dirty
(Once enabled globally, the dirty plugin can be selectively disabled on classes
by passing dirty: false
to translates
Take this ActiveRecord class:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :title
Let’s assume we start with a post with a title in English and Japanese:
post = Post.create(title: "Introducing Mobility")
Mobility.with_locale(:ja) { post.title = "モビリティの紹介" }
Now let’s change the title:
post = Post.first
post.title #=> "Introducing Mobility"
post.title = "a new title"
Mobility.with_locale(:ja) do
post.title #=> "モビリティの紹介"
post.title = "新しいタイトル"
post.title #=> "新しいタイトル"
Now you can use dirty methods as you would any other (untranslated) attribute:
#=> "Introducing Mobility"
Mobility.locale = :ja
#=> "モビリティの紹介"
["title_en", "title_ja"]
You can also access previous_changes
"title_en" =>
"Introducing Mobility",
"a new title"
"title_ja" =>
Notice that Mobility uses locale suffixes to indicate which locale has changed;
dirty tracking is implemented this way to ensure that it is clear what
has changed in which locale, avoiding any possible ambiguity.
For performance reasons, it is highly recommended that when using the Dirty
plugin, you also enable locale accessors for all locales which will
be used, so that methods like title_en
above are defined; otherwise they will
be caught by method_missing
(using fallthrough accessors), which is much slower.
For more details on dirty tracking, see the API
The Mobility cache caches localized values that have been fetched once so they
can be quickly retrieved again. The cache plugin is included in the default
configuration created by the install generator:
plugins do
# ...
+ cache
It can be disabled selectively per model by passing cache: false
defining an attribute, like this:
class Word < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :name, cache: false
You can also turn off the cache for a single fetch by passing cache: false
the getter method, i.e. post.title(cache: false)
. To remove the cache plugin
entirely, remove the cache
line from the global plugins configuration.
The cache is normally just a hash with locale keys and string (translation)
values, but some backends (e.g. KeyValue and Table backends) have slightly more
complex implementations.
Mobility backends also support querying on translated attributes. To enable
this feature, include the query
plugin, and ensure you also have an ORM
plugin enabled (active_record
or sequel
plugins do
# ...
+ query
Querying defines a scope or dataset class method, whose default name is i18n
You can override this by passing a default in the configuration, likequery :t
to use a name t
Querying is supported in two different ways. The first is via query methods
like where
(and not
and find_by
in ActiveRecord, and except
in Sequel).
So for ActiveRecord, assuming a model using KeyValue as its default backend:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :title, type: :string
translates :content, type: :text
… we can query for posts with title “foo” and content “bar” just as we would
query on untranslated attributes, and Mobility will convert the queries to
whatever the backend requires to actually return the correct results:
Post.i18n.find_by(title: "foo", content: "bar")
results in the SQL:
SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts"
INNER JOIN "mobility_string_translations" "Post_title_en_string_translations"
ON "Post_title_en_string_translations"."key" = 'title'
AND "Post_title_en_string_translations"."locale" = 'en'
AND "Post_title_en_string_translations"."translatable_type" = 'Post'
AND "Post_title_en_string_translations"."translatable_id" = "posts"."id"
INNER JOIN "mobility_text_translations" "Post_content_en_text_translations"
ON "Post_content_en_text_translations"."key" = 'content'
AND "Post_content_en_text_translations"."locale" = 'en'
AND "Post_content_en_text_translations"."translatable_type" = 'Post'
AND "Post_content_en_text_translations"."translatable_id" = "posts"."id"
WHERE "Post_title_en_string_translations"."value" = 'foo'
AND "Post_content_en_text_translations"."value" = 'bar'
As can be seen in the query above, behind the scenes Mobility joins two tables,
one with string translations and one with text translations, and aliases the
joins for each attribute so as to match the particular model, attribute(s),
locale(s) and value(s) passed in to the query. Details of how this is done can
be found in the Wiki page for the KeyValue
You can also use methods like order
, select
, pluck
and group
translated attributes just as you would with normal attributes, and Mobility
will handle generating the appropriate SQL:
#=> ["foo", "bar", ...]
If you would prefer to avoid the i18n
scope everywhere, you can define it as
a default scope on your model:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :title, type: :string
translates :content, type: :text
default_scope { i18n }
Now translated attributes can be queried just like normal attributes:
Post.find_by(title: "Introducing Mobility")
#=> finds post with English title "Introducing Mobility"
If you want more fine-grained control over your queries, you can alternatively
pass a block to the query method and call attribute names from the block scope
to build Arel predicates:
Post.i18n do
which generates the same SQL as above, except the WHERE
clause becomes:
SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts"
WHERE "Post_title_en_string_translations"."value" ILIKE 'foo'
AND "Post_content_en_text_translations"."value" ILIKE 'bar'
The block-format query format is very powerful and allows you to build complex
backend-independent queries on translated and untranslated attributes without
having to deal with the details of how these translations are stored. The same
interface is supported with Sequel to build datasets.
Mobility supports different storage strategies, called “backends”. The default
backend is the KeyValue
backend, which stores translations in two tables, by
default named mobility_text_translations
and mobility_string_translations
You can set the default backend to a different value in the global
configuration, or you can set it explicitly when defining a translated
attribute, like this:
class Word < ApplicationRecord
translates :name, backend: :table
This would set the name
attribute to use the Table
backend (see below).
The type
option (type: :string
or type: :text
) is missing here because
this is an option specific to the KeyValue backend (specifying which shared
table to store translations on). Backends have their own specific options; see
the Wiki and API documentation for which options are available
for each.
Everything else described above (fallbacks, dirty tracking, locale accessors,
caching, querying, etc) is the same regardless of which backend you use.
The Table
backend stores translations as columns on a model-specific table. If
your model uses the table posts
, then by default this backend will store an
attribute title
on a table post_translations
, and join the table to
retrieve the translated value.
To use the table backend on a model, you will need to first create a
translation table for the model, which (with Rails) you can do using themobility:translations
rails generate mobility:translations post title:string content:text
This will generate the post_translations
table with columns title
, and all other necessary columns and indices. For more details see
the Table
Backend page of the
wiki and API documentation on the Mobility:
The Column
backend stores translations as columns with locale suffixes on
the model table. For an attribute title
, these would be of the formtitle_en
, title_fr
, etc.
Use the mobility:translations
generator to add columns for locales inI18n.available_locales
to your model:
rails generate mobility:translations post title:string content:text
For more details, see the Column
Backend page of the
wiki and API documentation on the Mobility:
Mobility also supports JSON and Hstore storage options, if you are using
PostgreSQL as your database. To use this option, create column(s) on the model
table for each translated attribute, and set your backend to :json
, :jsonb
or :hstore
. If you are using Sequel, note that you
will need to enable the pg_json
extensions with DB.extension :pg_json
or DB.extension :pg_hstore
is your database instance).
Another option is to store all your translations on a single jsonb column (one
per model). This is called the “container” backend.
For details on these backends, see the Postgres
and Container
pages of the wiki and in the API documentation
Note: The Json backend (:json
) may also work with recent versions of MySQL
with JSON column support, although this backend/db combination is not tested.
See this issue for details.
Although Mobility is primarily oriented toward storing ActiveRecord model
translations, it can potentially be used to handle storing translations in
other formats. In particular, the features mentioned above (locale accessors,
caching, fallbacks, dirty tracking to some degree) are not specific to database
To use a custom backend, simply pass the name of a class which includesMobility::Backend
to translates
class MyBackend
include Mobility::Backend
# ...
class MyClass
extend Mobility
translates :foo, backend: MyBackend
For details on how to define a backend class, see the Introduction to Mobility
page of the wiki and the API documentation on the Mobility::Backend
All included backends are tested against a suite of shared specs which ensure
they conform to the same expected behaviour. These examples can be found in:
(minimal specs testingspec/support/shared_examples/querying_examples.rb
(specs forspec/support/shared_examples/serialization_examples.rb
(specialized specsserialized
, hstore
and jsonb
backends)A minimal test can simply define a model class and use helpers defined inspec/support/helpers.rb
to run these examples, by extending eitherHelpers::ActiveRecord
or Helpers::Sequel
describe MyBackend do
extend Helpers::ActiveRecord
before do
stub_const 'MyPost',
MyPost.extend Mobility
MyPost.translates :title, :content, backend: MyBackend
include_accessor_examples 'MyPost'
include_querying_examples 'MyPost'
# ...
Shared examples expect the model class to have translated attributes title
and content
, and an untranslated boolean column published
. These defaults
can be changed, see the shared examples for details.
Backends are also each tested against specialized specs targeted at their
particular implementations.
✱ Post an issue or email me to add your company’s name to this list.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.