项目作者: arashout

项目描述 :
Generate your CareerCup resume from your JSON resume!
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/arashout/ResumeGenerator.git
创建时间: 2017-07-13T19:31:18Z

开源协议:MIT License



Generate a PDF resume formatted as perscribed by Gayle McDowell from CareerCup, author of Cracking The Coding Interview
using a YAML schema.
Here’s a preview preview of resume generated


Setup resume.yaml

See the example resume.platf.yaml in the resumes/

Clone Repo and Install Requirements

The next step is to clone the repository and install the requirements

  1. git clone https://github.com/arashout/ResumeGenerator.git
  2. cd ResumeGenerator
  3. pipenv install

Also note you have to install wkhtmltopdf


  1. py -m pipenv install
  2. py .\main.py .\resumes\resume.platf.yaml

Using Nix

  1. nix-shell pip-shell.nix
  2. # Inside Nix Shell
  3. virtualenv venv
  4. source venv/bin/activate
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. python3 main.py resumes/resume.platf.yaml -o output/test.pdf

Generate PDF resume from command-line

You can generate your pdf resume by running (inside the cloned repo)

  1. pipenv shell
  2. python3 main.py resume.yaml -o 'path/for/pdf/output'

Optionally you can anonymize your PDF by supplying a second argument

  1. pipenv shell
  2. python3 main.py resume.yaml -o 'path/for/pdf/output' -a 'path/to/anon_data.yaml'

Where anon_data.yaml is a dictionary where the keys are sensitive information
you want to replace and the values are generic text to replace them with

  1. "Arash Outadi": "First Last"
  2. "arash.out@gmail.com": "first.last@gmail.com"
  3. UBC: UA
  4. "University of British Columbia": "University of Anons"
  5. London: UKCity
  6. Vancouver: CADCity
  7. BC: CADProv
  8. Ravelin: Fintech Startup
  9. Andritz: Pulp & Paper
  10. "Canadian Logistics": "Logistics Company"

CareerCup Template

If you don’t really care about the CLI tool and just want the HTML template, navigate to the CareerCup directory and you’ll find the Jinja2 HTML template and the styles.css stylesheet.


An example of a resume is inside resumes folder