spaceships in space
Development currently assumes a Mac with ghc
8.8 & cabal
3.0. You can install them directly, or use ghcup
Initial setup:
brew bundle # for sdl2 & sqlite3
cat data/ephemerides.sql | sqlite3 data/data.db # to populate the solar system db with planets
cat data/factions.sql | sqlite3 data/data.db # to populate the solar system db with factions
cabal build # to set up dist-newstyle with the ghc package db
Run script/repl
to load the project (both library & executable) into the REPL. In the REPL, :main
will launch the game. Use :main --profile
to enable profiling (timings for various parts of the game, shown on exit).
Alternatively, cabal run starlight
will launch the game. Use cabal run starlight -- --profile
to enable profiling.
Controls are currently hard-coded; I intend to eventually make them configurable.