Fast match viewer with rewinding support for Russian AI Cup championship series
Fast Russain AI Cup championship match viewer with rewinding support written in OpenGL
The viewer has several advantages in comparison of local-runner with drawing plugin:
Source code with changelog for significant releases can be found in github releases page.
Prebuilt windows binaries for other version, such as bugfixes can be found here. It is required to have x86 C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 installed to run prebuild windows binaries.
Clone repository with submodules:
git clone --recursive
Unix, MacOS:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
Note: Compiler with c++14 support needed. That means Visual Studio 2015 or higher on Windows.
Note: Viewer should be launched from the same folder, where
is located.
So you need to manually copy resources
to build folder, or copy executable to project root directory.
Strategy should send commands in json format via socket. You may use one from clients
folder or implement your own.
Json protocol starting from release 2.0 doesn’t compatible with older clients (from 1.3 and below).
Check that your client is updated.
Sample usage:
You can use Python3 client as a reference.
Documentation for json protocol can be found here.
Project sources distributed under MIT license, third parties distributed under their own licences
Project created with help of many great libraries: