Quick start kotlin gradle DSL
Quick start kotlin gradle DSL
This directory contains a set of boilerplate gradle script to kick start kotlin
- Kotlin multiplatform boilerplatejunit5
- Kotlin JUnit 5 examplejs-plain
- Kotlin JavaScript boilerplatejs-commonjs
- Kotlin JavaScript boilerplate with CommonJS enabledjs-nodejs
- Kotlin multiplatform with NodeJSsboot-wasm
- Kotlin Web Assembly Hello World! with Spring Boot as serversboot-wasm-dom
- Kotlin Web Assembly HTML DOM Accesssboot-wasm-heap
- Kotlin Web Assembly Heap Space memory direct accesssboot-wasm-string
- Kotlin Web Assembly String transfer from Web Assembly VMsboot-wasm-webgl
- Kotlin Web Assembly Experimental Open GL wrapper using WebGLsboot-wsock
- Kotlin Web Socket with Spring Boot as server using JS libraries JQuery, SockJS and Stomp sboot-jython
- Kotlin Web Socket with Spring Boot as server using embedded standalone Jythonsboot-junit-trans
- Kotlin JUnit 5 with platform transaction managersboot-mockito-integration
- Kotlin pure Mockito integration testingcoroutines-html
- KotlinX HTML with KotlinX coroutines delaycucumber
- Cucumber browser automation testingcucumber-cpp
- Cucumber notepad text copy paste automationopengl-glsl
- OpenGL GLSL using Kotlin GLFW+GLEWopengl-glsl-glad
- OpenGL GLSL using Kotlin GLFW+GLADopengl-gles
- OpenGL ES 2.0 GLSL using Kotlin (Requires OpenGL ES Emulator)opengl-mathgl
- OpenGL MathGL using Kotlin GLFW+GLEWvulkan-initialize
- Vulkan Initiate and check for successvulkan-triangle-glfw
- Vulkan Triangle example using windows GLFWopengl-freeglut-freetype2
- OpenGL GLSL using Kotlin FreeGLUT+GLEW+FreeType2opengl-pangocairo
- OpenGL GLEW using Kotlin libpangocairo Unicode Font Renderingopengl-cairo-rsvg
- OpenGL Kotlin librsvg SVG File Renderingmesa-offscreen
- OsMesa Kotlin render OpenGL output to a array bufferembed-python
- Embedding Python 3 or 2 in Kotlin and calling a method with parameterembed-ruby
- Embedding Ruby in Kotlinembed-lua
- Embedding Lua in Kotlin and calling a method with parameterembed-r
- Embedding R in Kotlin and calling a method with parameterembed-tcl
- Embedding TCL in Kotlin and calling a method with parameterembed-octave
- Embedding Octave Mex in Kotlinembed-opencl
- Embedding OpenCL in Kotlinembed-perl
- Embedding PERL in Kotlinsvg-bouncing-ball
- Simple ball animation with SVG based shape and Kotlin OpenGLchipmunk-physics
- Simple chipmunk code with 3 rigid surface and ball bouncing from themlinear-algebra
- Linear Algebra using LAPACKEgsl-matrix
- GSL Matrix manipulation using GSLann-fann
- Artificial Neural Network using FANNgtk3-glade3
- GTK3 and Glade3 buildergtk3-glew
- GTK3 and GLEW OpenGL [Experimental]gtk4-gsk
- GTK4 and GSK Cairo (or) Vulkan(Linux) [Experimental]arduino-atmega8
- Arduino AVR Atmega8 [Experimental]swig-jni
- Automatic Java and C++ Stub using SWIGswig-jni-cpointer
- Automatic Java and C pointer Stub using SWIGswig-jni-inherit-callback
- Koltin JNI and C++ Inheritance Callback using SWIGkotlin-javafx
- Kotlin code run Open JavaFX 14 using FXML, without installing Open JavaFXminecraft-javafx
- Kotlin code to design like Minecaft Game UIwin32-directx
- Pure WIN32 API based DirectX 9 codewin32-notepad-menu
- Pure WIN32 API based Notepad Window detection codeopenal-generate
- OpenAL play audio using sine wave with integer arrayopenal-mathgl-generate
- Generate a math buffer using MathGL and play using OpenALsndfile-generate
- libsndfile create FLAC audio file using sine wave with integer arrayandroid-multiplatform
- Android Gradle KTS with external library usagekotlin-fortran
- Gradle KTS for Combining Kotlin and Fortrankotlin-midi
- Kotlin code for reading Midi portkotlin-libxml2
- Kotlin code for reading XML and applying XSL on it