项目作者: Pascal-J

项目描述 :
J Plus Plus
高级语言: J
项目地址: git://github.com/Pascal-J/jpp.git
创建时间: 2017-03-17T21:23:10Z




J Plus Plus. Licensed GPL3. Permission for jsoftware to include in J distribution.


extends J with auto parenthesizing, and quoting for custom parsers. User defined primitives.
All enhancements are at the (pre)parsing level, with no code execution itself.

recommend the following 2 userkeys.cfg lines, and load of jpp2.ijs file in config/startup.ijs

F12;0;jpp line;DoWithMacro@findlinejpp ‘’
F11;0;jpp section;DoWithMacro2@findline2jpp ‘’

jpp replaces the load command (core renamed to loadj and requirej). Creates temp file in same dir to work with code tricks to find file’s directory.
f12 runs a line like ctrl-R in an ijs edit window or a console line. hope to add a version that adds to command log.
F11 will run enclosing multiline definition. Not required to be at top. works with multiple multilines.

“fancy” ways of initiating multiline definitions should use the constant ML instead of 0 so that multiline defs are detected.
the verb nummultiline should be adjusted if you have a new undetectable means of producing multiline definitions.

see BRAILLECODES for new primitives.
). or word. adds ) on left, and quotes enclosing () auto adding ( if needed for balance.
): or word: adds ( on right and quotes that enclosure.
).: or word.: does both.
word.. quotes token to left
word:: quotes token to right
(. quotes self paren group
Brailcodes can generate word or paren codes, and are processed in first pass.
Passes operate left to right except for (.

‘Parser helpers’

A or Aa are useful delimeters. Idendity adverb 2 A 3 produces 2 phrase tokens.
gg produces gerunds without internal parenthesizing. cut on ` and implied parentheses within each cut.
bb is simple cut on `
“macros” to auto quote sections of code/lines permits easier custom parsing.

‘double/multi adverbs’

provides strand notation, and gerund constructors.
ti replaces `. nouns get encoded as noun ars
tie is similar but allows nesting gerunds.
tieA will encode a string, if it is a name of a verb or modifier, or evaluates to a modifer, as a modifier/name
ar and aar are the 2 atomic representation adverbs.
tiD tieD tieAD are double adverb versions of the above.

multi/double adverbs benefit over conjunction is parsing entire right (verb) phrase. This makes writting code cleaner and less parenthesy, but reading can be harder if the number of adberb parameters are unknown. A clean alternative is to use ` as a “super delimiter” for phrase grouping. “(“ signals end of adverb binding.

-@:+/ is (-@:+)/ when often the intent is -@:(+/). with “at” double adverb, + - at/ is first. +/ - at is second.


F11 (run multiline) will run several multiline definitions above the current one if there is no blank/intervening line between multiline definitions.

The coins demo in showcase uses “fancy multiline definitions”. either run “unloadjpp 1” prior to running demo, or change demo/wd/coins.ijs to have

MLz =: 0
and then all sections created with getnum ‘’ should be changed to “getnum ML”.