项目作者: comaeio
项目描述 :
OPCDE Cybersecurity Conference Materials
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/comaeio/OPCDE.git
OPCDE Materials (2017-2019)
OPCDE started in 2017 and had the pleasure to welcome to below speakers since its creation.
- Automated Reverse Engineering of Industrial Control Systems Binaries - Mihalis Maniatakos (@realmomalab)
- Using Symbolic Execution to Root Routers - Mathy Vanhoef (@vanhoefm)
- Evolving Attacker Techniques in Account Takeover - Philip Martin (@securityguyphil)
- Lions at the watering hole - Andrei Boz (@dekeneas)
- Next Gen IoT Botnets - owning 450.000 devices from a single vendor - Alex “Jay” Balan (@jaymzu)
- Danger of using fully homomorphic encryption,a look at Microsoft SEAL - Zhiniang Peng (@edwardzpeng)
- (SAP) Gateway to Heaven - Mathieu Geli & Dmitry Chastuhin (@gelim, @_chipik)
- NTLM Relay Is Dead,NO, this is impossible - sanr, Yang Zhang (@by_sanr, @izykw)
- Modern Secure Boot Attacks: Bypassing Hardware Root of Trust from Software - Alex Matrosov (@matrosov)
- Practical Uses for Memory Visualization - Ulf Frisk (@UlfFrisk)
- Trade War: Shellcode’s Wielding of Imports and Exports - Willi Ballenthin (@williballenthin)
- WhatsApp Digger - Deemah A Alotaibi, Lamyaa S Alsaleem, Malak F Aldakheel, Sarah A Alqhtani (@_Saraque @Lamya_Alsleem @DeemaAlotaibi5 @Malakfsd)
- Keynote 1 - Dan Cuthbert (@dcuthbert)
- DPRK’s eyes on mobile Spying on North Korean Defectors - Inhee Han & Jaewon Min (@boinya & @binerdd)
- Getting Cozy with Auditing on MacOS … The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly - Patrick Wardle (@patrickwardle)
- Improved KRACK Attacks Against WPA2 Implementations - Mathy Vanhoef (@vanhoefm)
- Revisiting the Security of NVIDIA Tegra Platform - nforest (@nforest_)
- Security Response in Todays Ecosystem - Philip Misner (@phillip_misner)
- Skorpio Advanced Binary Instrumentation Framework - Nguyen Anh Quynh (@capstone_engine)
- Surprise Supplies - Warren Mercer & Paul Rascagneres (@SecurityBeard & @r00tbsd)
- The Life & Death of Kernel Object Abuse by Type Isolation - Saif ElSheri Ian Kronquist (@IanKronquist )
- UEFI BIOS firmware analysis at scale - Oleksandr Bazhaniuk (@ABazhaniuk)
- Program Analysis on Smart Contracts - JP Smith, Trail Of Bits (@japesinator)
- A Walk With Shannon: A walkthrough of a PWN2OWN Baseband exploit - Amat Cama, Independant (@amatcama)
- Reversing the Octagon: Next-Gen Windows Security - Alex Ionescu, Dave Weston (@aionescu & @dwizzzleMSFT)
- The Baseband Basics: Understanding, Debugging and Pwning the Mediatek Communication Processor - Nitay Artenstein, Charles Muiruri (@nitayart & @icrackthecode)
- You and your research - Saif ElSherei (@Saif_Sherei)
- Keynote 1 - Revisiting the state - Maarten Van Horenbeeck (@maartenvhb)
- Keynote 2 - Wim Remes (@wimremes)
- The Blackbox of DPAPI: the gift that keeps on giving - Bartosz Inglot (@BartInglot)
- Transforming Open Source to Open Access in Closed Applications: Finding Vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader’s XSLT Engine - Abdul-Aziz Hariri (@abdhariri), Jasiel Spelman (@WanderingGlitch), Brian Gorence
- From mimikatz to kekeo, passing by new Microsoft security technologies - Benjamin Delpy (@gentilkiwi)
- Agentless Post Exploitation on Device Guarded Systems - Christopher Truncer (@ChrisTruncer)
- Security Research and Development with LLVM - Andrew Reiter (@andrew_opcde)
- Supply Chainsaw: Practical software supply chain attacks - Matt Weeks (@scriptjunkie1)
- Hacking wireless SCADA systems - Elena Feldman
- Exploring Your System Deeper - Oleksandr Bazhaniuk (@ABazhaniuk)
- Windows Operating System Archaeology - Matt Nelson (@enigma0x3)
- Blinded Random Block Corruption - Rodrigo Branco (@bsdaemon)
- Practical attacks against Digital Wallet - Loic Falletta (@zavidan)
- 15 ways to break RSA security - Renaud Lifchitz (@nono2357)
- Stranger Danger - Mohamed Saher (@halsten), Ahmed Garhy (@9ee1), Nikita Tarakanov (@NTarakanov)
- Lighting Talk
- Our Financial System is under Attack - Matt Suiche (@msuiche) & @x0rz