项目作者: vlvagerviwager
项目描述 :
Privacy resources for the layperson. Highlights resources, tools, VPNs, search engines, articles, books, and dark patterns.
项目地址: git://github.com/vlvagerviwager/protect-your-privacy.git
Protect Your Privacy
Curated privacy resources for the layperson, by a software developer and computer forensics/infosec grad.
Highlights resources, tools, VPNs, search engines, articles, books, and dark patterns.
Originally hosted on Tumblr and migrated to GitHub in 2015 to make it easier for others to contribute.
Table of Contents
The table of contents is generated using gh-md-toc.
ℹ️ Feedback
Feedback, issues, and pull requests welcome.
ℹ️ Explanation of the Table Column Titles
- What: The title of the resource.
- Where: The link to the resource. The full URL is shown for transparency and to avoid phishing.
- Why: Why this is recommended as a legitimate tool for privacy.
- Year Added: This is a quick way for you to see if the resource may be outdated, rather than having to use git blame.
⚠️ Disclaimer
The information and products below is for general information purposes only. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.
I am not affiliated with any of the organisations or products below, except where noted.
- Fully open source = peer review, no backdoors.
- Look for fully open source tools, not just opened encryption implementation etc.
- European data protection laws tend to be stronger.
- Watch out for proprietary cores.
- Before trying a new tool, check that it still exists, is secure (depending on your criteria), and has not been bought/taken over by another body which does not uphold high standards for security and privacy.
Privacy Resources
General News / Info
Anti-AI defenses
IM / Messaging
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
Signal |
https://signal.org/ |
Open source, E2E encryption; desktop, iOS, and Android apps available. Used by Edward Snowden. |
2020 |
[⚠️ Experimental] Ricochet |
https://github.com/ricochet-im/ricochet |
“Ricochet is an experimental kind of instant messaging that doesn’t trust anyone with your identity, your contact list, or your communications.” |
2021 |
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
Tor Browser |
https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en |
2017 |
Brave Browser |
https://brave.com/ |
“Brave aims to transform the online ad ecosystem with micropayments and a new revenue-sharing solution to give users and publishers a better deal, where fast, safe browsing is the path to a brighter future for the open web.” |
2017 |
Browser Plugins
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
HTTPS Everywhere |
https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere |
“HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.” |
2017 |
Privacy Badger |
https://www.eff.org/privacybadger |
Blocks spying ads and invisible trackers; open source, created by the EFF. Focuses on privacy instead of solely ad-blocking. |
2017 |
uBlock Origin (not “uBlock”) |
https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock |
Free and open source ad-blocker. |
2019 |
Search Engine (A - Z)
Password Manager (A - Z)
Meeting Software
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
Jitsi Meet |
https://meet.jit.si/ |
Free open-source video conferencing software for web & mobile; no account needed. |
2023 |
Operating System (OS) (A - Z)
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
Tails OS |
https://tails.boum.org/ |
Portable amnesiac live operating system, aimed at protecting privacy; used by Edward Snowden. |
2017 |
Qubes OS |
https://www.qubes-os.org/ |
Uses Security by Compartmentalization approach. |
2017 |
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
http://philzimmermann.com/EN/findpgp/ |
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. |
2017 |
Video (A - Z)
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
FreeTube |
https://freetubeapp.io/ |
“FreeTube is a YouTube client for Windows, Mac, and Linux built around using YouTube more privately.” |
2024 |
Invidious |
https://invidious.poast.org/ |
“An open source alternative front-end to YouTube” |
2024 |
VPN (A - Z)
Notes (A - Z)
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
Standard Notes |
https://standardnotes.com/ |
Standard Notes protects your notes and files with 4x-audited industry-leading end-to-end encryption, meaning only you have access to the keys required to decrypt your information. |
2023 |
Networking (A - Z)
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
DISARM Disinformation TTP (Tactics, Techniques and Procedures) Framework |
https://pi-hole.net/ |
“DISARM is a framework designed for describing and understanding disinformation incidents. DISARM is part of work on adapting information security (infosec) practices to help track and counter disinformation and other information harms, and is designed to fit existing infosec practices and tools.” |
2023 |
Opinion and Entertainment
Opinion Pieces
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
CISA AMA with Fight for the Future, Senator Wyden, etc. |
https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3qban2/oh_look_its_that_cisa_surveillance_bill_again/ |
The coming collapse of surveillance marketing, by Doc Searls |
http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/vrm/2015/08/03/the-coming-collapse-of-surveillance-marketing/ |
“It’s about the wanton and widespread harvesting of personal data without permission” |
Hacking Team gets hacked |
http://www.csoonline.com/article/2943968/data-breach/hacking-team-hacked-attackers-claim-400gb-in-dumped-data.html |
Ai Weiwei is Living in Our Future |
https://medium.com/@hansdezwart/ai-weiwei-is-living-in-our-future-474e5dd15e4f |
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram sent feeds that helped police track minorities in Ferguson and Baltimore, report says |
https://web.archive.org/web/20161220193044/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/10/11/facebook-twitter-and-instagram-sent-feeds-that-helped-police-track-minorities-in-ferguson-and-baltimore-aclu-says/ |
What Yahoo’s NSA Surveillance Means for Email Privacy |
https://protonmail.com/blog/yahoo-us-intelligence/ |
Microsoft’s Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader |
https://www.technologyreview.com/s/602311/microsofts-top-lawyer-becomes-a-civil-rights-crusader/ |
Edward Snowden’s New Research Aims to Keep Smartphones From Betraying Their Owners |
https://theintercept.com/2016/07/21/edward-snowdens-new-research-aims-to-keep-smartphones-from-betraying-their-owners/ |
How Hired Hackers Got “Complete Control” Of Palantir |
https://www.buzzfeed.com/williamalden/how-hired-hackers-got-complete-control-of-palantir |
“A piece of security software called Little Snitch — which regulates data sent out from a computer to the internet — was installed on one of the information security employees’ laptops, and it flagged the suspicious upload attempt, the report says.” |
Why I Hate Security, Computers, and the Entire Modern Banking System by Sarah Jeong |
https://web.archive.org/web/20200109084424/https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/jpg54g/why-i-hate-security-computers-and-the-entire-modern-banking-system |
On WikiLeaks, Journalism, and Privacy: Reporting on the Podesta Archive Is an Easy Call |
https://theintercept.com/2016/10/13/on-wikileaks-journalism-and-privacy-reporting-on-the-podesta-archive-is-an-easy-call/ |
Movies (A - Z)
Books (A - Z)
What |
Author |
Where |
Year Added |
American Spies: Modern Surveillance, Why You Should Care, and What to Do About It |
Jennifer Granick |
2020 |
Astro Noise: A Survival Guide to Living Under Total Surveillance |
Laura Poitras |
2020 |
Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World |
Bruce Schneier |
https://www.schneier.com/books/beyond_fear/ |
2020 |
Permanent Record |
Edward Snowden |
2019 |
The Cuckoo’s Egg |
Cliff Stoll |
2017 |
The Smart Girl’s Guide to Privacy |
Violet Blue |
https://www.nostarch.com/smartgirlsguide |
2017 |
Donate (A - Z)
Dark Patterns
What |
Where |
Why |
Year Added |
Please Make Google AMP Optional |
https://www.alexkras.com/please-make-google-amp-optional/ |
“I was reading some articles on Hacker News about how we’ve lost the internet to big companies and how we are not doing anything about it and it got me thinking about Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) again.” |
2017 |
Windows 10