Telegram bot for VK public
A Telegram bot running with RSS and VK group integration and ready to deploy with Heroku.
- send to user last 5 posts /search %search_word%
- send all posts with %search_word%
- send random post/off
- turn off auto broadcasting/on
- turn on auto broadcasting/daily
- turn off daily broadcasting. You can set time in
- turn off hourly broadcasting./help
- just send help info/last ege
retrieve 5 posts from ege
to BotFather)
with your information (tokens, keys, etc)
script and push all changes to Herokuheroku run python
./bot/`. It should set new webhook to Heroku
script back and push all changes to Herokupython ./bot/
every 10 minutes for Brodcaster and if [ "$(date +%d)" = 01 ]; then python ./bot/; fi
for Database Cleaner