Eloquent ORM for Java 【database-spring-boot-starter】
Eloquent ORM for Java
// select * from student where id = 4 limit 1
Student student = studentModel.find(4).toObject();
// select * from student where id = 4 limit 1
Student student = studentModel.newQuery().query("select * from student where id= ? limit ? ", 4, 1).toObject();
// select name,age from student where id in (1, 2, 3)
List<Student> students = studentModel.newQuery()
.whereIn(Student::getId, 1, 2, 3)
// select id,name from student where id=3 or(age>11 and id=7 and(id between 4 and 10 and age>11))
List<Student> students = studentModel.newQuery().where("id", "3").orWhere(
builder->builder.where("age", ">", "11").where("id", "7").andWhere(
builder2->builder2.whereBetween("id", "4", "10").where("age", ">", "11")
).select("id", "name").get().toObjectList();
// select * from student where id in (1, 2, 3)
// select * from teacher where id in (?, ?, ?)
// select * from father where id in (?, ?, ?)
// select * from house where owner_id in (?, ?, ?)
List<Student> students = studentModel.newQuery().whereIn("id", 1, 2, 3).get().with("teacher.father.house").toObjectList();
// select * from student where id = 8 limit 1
// select * from relation_student_teacher where student_id = 8 and teacher_id in (1, 2, 3)
// insert into relation_student_teacher set student_id = 8 and teacher_id = 3
studentModel.findOrFail(8).bind("teachers").attach( 1, 2, 3 );
1.引入仓库 pom.xml
2.引入依赖 pom.xml
3.配置连接 application.properties
# 使用你喜欢的 datasource, 这边增加了 DruidDataSource 的支持, 使其符合 Spring 的指定风格
# 雪花算法工作id, 默认是0
# gaarason.database.snow-flake.worker-id=1
# 包扫描路径, 默认是`@SpringBootApplication`所在的包
# 非 SpringBoot, 建议手动指定包扫描路径
# gaarason.database.scan.packages=you.package1,you.package2
4.快速开始 quick start
使用预置的 GeneralModel
Using the pre-built GeneralModel
, no additional definitions are required to query.
GeneralModel generalModel;
public void simpleQuery() {
// select * from student where id = 3 limit 1
Record<?, ?> record = generalModel.newQuery().from("student").where("id", 3).firstOrFail();
// to map
Map<String, Object> stringObjectMap = record.toMap();