项目作者: gaarason

项目描述 :
Eloquent ORM for Java 【database-spring-boot-starter】
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/gaarason/database-all.git
创建时间: 2019-09-11T05:58:26Z

开源协议:MIT License



Eloquent ORM for Java

简介 Introduction

  • 让连接数据库以及对数据库进行增删改查操作变得非常简单,不论希望使用原生 SQL、还是查询构造器,还是 Eloquent ORM。
  • Eloquent ORM 提供一个美观、简单的与数据库打交道的 ActiveRecord
    实现,每个数据表都对应一个与该表数据结构对应的实体(Entity),以及的进行交互的模型(Model),通过模型类,你可以对数据表进行查询、插入、更新、删除等操作,并将结果反映到实体实例化的 java 对象中。
  • 对于关联关系 Eloquent ORM 提供了富有表现力的声明方式,与简洁的使用方法,并专注在内部进行查询与内存优化,在复杂的关系中有仍然有着良好的体验。
  • 支持完全自定义的查询构造器与SQL语法。
  • 支持原生Java8,Java11,Java17,Java21,Java23 应用, 支持SpringBoot 2x 以及 3x ,兼容于其他常见的 ORM 框架, 以及常见的数据源 (DataSource), 以及所有 JDBC 支持的数据库。

  • It makes connecting to the database and adding, deleting, modifying and querying the database very simple, whether you want to use native SQL, query builder, or Eloquent ORM.
  • Eloquent ORM provides a beautiful and simple ActiveRecord for working with databases
    Implementation, each data table corresponds to an entity (Entity) corresponding to the data structure of the table, and a model (Model) for interaction. Through the model class, you can query, insert, update, delete and other operations on the data table. , and reflect the results into the java object instantiated by the entity.
  • For relationships, Eloquent ORM provides expressive declaration methods and concise usage methods. It focuses on internal query and memory optimization, and still has a good experience in complex relationships.
  • Support fully customizable query builder and SQL
  • Supports native Java8, Java11, Java17 , Java21 applications, supports SpringBoot 2x and 3x, and is compatible with other common ORM frameworks and common data sources (DataSource), and all databases supported by JDBC.


  • 以如下的方式在程序中查询数据 Query data in the program in the following way
  • 查询 Select : model.newQuery().select().where().get().toObject();
  • 更新 Update : model.newQuery().data().where().update();
  • 删除 Delete : model.newQuery().where().delete();
  • 插入 Insert : model.newQuery().column().value().insert();
  1. // select * from student where id = 4 limit 1
  2. Student student = studentModel.find(4).toObject();
  3. // select * from student where id = 4 limit 1
  4. Student student = studentModel.newQuery().query("select * from student where id= ? limit ? ", 4, 1).toObject();
  5. // select name,age from student where id in (1, 2, 3)
  6. List<Student> students = studentModel.newQuery()
  7. .select(Student::getName).select(Student::getAge)
  8. .whereIn(Student::getId, 1, 2, 3)
  9. .get().toObjectList();
  10. // select id,name from student where id=3 or(age>11 and id=7 and(id between 4 and 10 and age>11))
  11. List<Student> students = studentModel.newQuery().where("id", "3").orWhere(
  12. builder->builder.where("age", ">", "11").where("id", "7").andWhere(
  13. builder2->builder2.whereBetween("id", "4", "10").where("age", ">", "11")
  14. )
  15. ).select("id", "name").get().toObjectList();
  16. // select * from student where id in (1, 2, 3)
  17. // select * from teacher where id in (?, ?, ?)
  18. // select * from father where id in (?, ?, ?)
  19. // select * from house where owner_id in (?, ?, ?)
  20. List<Student> students = studentModel.newQuery().whereIn("id", 1, 2, 3).get().with("teacher.father.house").toObjectList();
  21. // select * from student where id = 8 limit 1
  22. // select * from relation_student_teacher where student_id = 8 and teacher_id in (1, 2, 3)
  23. // insert into relation_student_teacher set student_id = 8 and teacher_id = 3
  24. studentModel.findOrFail(8).bind("teachers").attach( 1, 2, 3 );

Spring boot Quick start

1.引入仓库 pom.xml

  1. <repositories>
  2. <repository>
  3. <id>jitpack.io</id>
  4. <url>https://jitpack.io</url>
  5. </repository>
  6. </repositories>

2.引入依赖 pom.xml


  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>com.github.gaarason.database-all</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>database-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
  4. <version>{latest-version}</version>
  5. </dependency>

3.配置连接 application.properties

  1. spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://mysql.local/test_master_0?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=true&autoReconnect=true&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai
  2. spring.datasource.username=root
  3. spring.datasource.password=root
  4. spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  5. # 使用你喜欢的 datasource, 这边增加了 DruidDataSource 的支持, 使其符合 Spring 的指定风格
  6. spring.datasource.type=com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource
  7. # 雪花算法工作id, 默认是0
  8. # gaarason.database.snow-flake.worker-id=1
  9. # 包扫描路径, 默认是`@SpringBootApplication`所在的包
  10. # 非 SpringBoot, 建议手动指定包扫描路径
  11. # gaarason.database.scan.packages=you.package1,you.package2

4.快速开始 quick start

使用预置的 GeneralModel ,无需其他定义,即可进行查询。
Using the pre-built GeneralModel, no additional definitions are required to query.

  1. @Resource
  2. GeneralModel generalModel;
  3. @Test
  4. public void simpleQuery() {
  5. // select * from student where id = 3 limit 1
  6. Record<?, ?> record = generalModel.newQuery().from("student").where("id", 3).firstOrFail();
  7. // to map
  8. Map<String, Object> stringObjectMap = record.toMap();
  9. System.out.println(stringObjectMap);
  10. }

完整体验 Complete experience

  • 借助 生成代码 Generate, 自动化地为每个数据表都定义一个与该表数据结构对应的实体(Entity), 以及的进行交互的模型(Model)
  • 在模型(Model)中, 通过 查询构造器 Query Builder 你可以对数据表进行查询、插入、更新、删除等操作,并将结果反映到 查询结果集 Record
  • 查询结果集 Record 中可以快速的将结果转化为的 java 实体(Entity)对象, 以及其他数据结构以及处理操作
  • 通过在实体(Entity)中应用各种的声明式注解进行 数据映射 Mapping, 便可以方便的在模型(Model)中应用诸如 关联关系 Relationship、ORM以及各种自定义操作

  • With the help of 生成代码 Generate, each data table is automatically defined with an entity (Entity) corresponding to the data structure of the table, and a model (Model) for interaction.
  • In the model, through the 查询构造器 Query Builder you can query, insert, update, delete and other operations on the data table, and reflect the results to the 查询结果集 Record in
  • In 查询结果集 Record, the results can be quickly converted into java entity objects, as well as other data structures and processing operations.
  • By applying various declarative annotations to 数据映射 Mapping in the Entity, you can easily apply 关联关系 Relationship, ORM and various custom operations