项目作者: tigran123

项目描述 :
The British Study Edition of the Urantia Papers (aka "The Urantia Book")
高级语言: TeX
项目地址: git://github.com/tigran123/urantia-study-edition.git
创建时间: 2014-01-10T17:31:07Z



The British Study Edition of the Urantia Papers

Edited by Tigran Aivazian

The British Study Edition of the Urantia Papers has the following main features:

  • The present text of The Urantia Papers is based on that of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, and was revised according to the present scientific knowledge and spiritual enlightenment.

  • Study notes and textual variants are printed in the apparatus at the bottom of the page.

  • The symbol §§ marks the first paragraph in the group as in the 1955 first printing, where such groups were delimited by blank lines.

  • All distance and temperature measures have been converted to metric units, except where there was even the slightest potential for error, such as in the use of “Jerusem miles”, which was left intact. The idiomatic expressions like “carry his pack for a mile” were also left intact, obviously.

  • Long and hard to memorise phrases like “three hundred and forty-five thousand” have been converted to a compact form “345,000”. Likewise, for phrases like “seventy-five per cent” a more compact form of “75%” was chosen. Similarly, the time designations like “fifteen minutes past four o’clock” now read “16:15”.

  • Designation of the author of each paper (and Foreword) is printed in italics on a line by itself just before the text.

  • Paragraph numbering is used both in the superscript and in the ranges printed in the header of every page.

  • Suspected textual corruptions are indicated in the footnotes.

  • The Bibliography of the human sources used in the Revelation is printed at the end of each Paper. When it was deemed essential the reference to the source(s) was also indicated in the footnotes.

The PDF file also includes the interactive quiz based on the material of the book called The Cosmic Citizenship Quiz.

The full text of the Bible (King James Version) is also included in the PDF file of Revelation.

Tigran Aivazian
London, England
13th July 2011.