I2C Information Flow Tracking using SecVerilog HDL. NonInterference proven I2C Master.
I2C Information Flow Tracking using SecVerilog HDL.
Noninterference proven secure I2C Master Controller.
examples - Lists all the trials made using SecVerilog HDL
source - contains the I2C Master, Controller with wishbone interface (sys_top), I2C Slave and I2C World (Main Top Module)
tool - a copy of the secverilog tool downloaded from [2].
verification - Behavioral verification of verilog modules using Xilinx Vivado. (PS: I2C Slave project has simulation of the project used in source).
[1] I2C Master and Slave IPs used from OperCores Master and slave IP - copyrighted to OpenCores.
Master IP - https://opencores.org/project,i2c
Slave IP - https://opencores.org/project,i2cslave
[2] SecVerilog HDL - copyrighted to Andrew Myers et al.
Website - http://www.cs.cornell.edu/projects/secverilog/
[3] Vivado - Copyrighted to Xilinx
Website - www.xilinx.com