Use dig command (domain information grope) for DNS queries in node
Using native node dns to query complex DNS is a hustle. This is a simple wrapper for the unix/linux/macos dig command (domain information grope). Output is parsed to JSON.
npm i node-dig-dns -S
dig([args], (options))
You can add all args from dig to the args array.
dig(['', 'ANY'])
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error:', err);
Set custom DNS server:
dig(['@','', 'ANY'])
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error:', err);
Optional parameters:
The dig result is parsed and return in JSON:
{ question: [ [ ';', 'IN', 'ANY' ] ],
[ { domain: '',
type: 'A',
ttl: '268',
class: 'IN',
value: '' },
{ domain: '',
type: 'AAAA',
ttl: '268',
class: 'IN',
value: '2a00:1450:400e:809::200e' },
{ domain: '',
type: 'MX',
ttl: '568',
class: 'IN',
value: '30' },
time: 41,
server: '',
datetime: 'Mon Oct 9 23:56:37 2017',
size: 373 }