Implement the vim-like visual mode to vi-mode of zsh
provides visual mode in Zsh Line Editer
Zsh Line Editer has two vi-like editing mode (viins, vicmd), but Vim has three or more major editing mode such as insert, command, visual and so on. Let’s implement visual mode in Zsh Line Editer.
If you use zplug as a plugin manager for zsh, all you have to do is to put something like this to your .zshrc
zplug "b4b4r07/zsh-vimode-visual"
Also, if you want to use it without conflict with zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
, please set as follows.
zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", defer:2
zplug "b4b4r07/zsh-vimode-visual", defer:3
You can order the loading by setting the defer
In addition, if the defer
tag is set to 2 or more, it’s load after running compinit
Otherwise, to install manually:
$ git clone
$ source ./zsh-vimode-visual/zsh-vimode-visual.zsh
is implemented with vivis that emulates Vim visual mode and vivli mode.
bindkey -M vicmd 'V' vi-vlines-mode
bindkey -M vicmd 'v' vi-visual-mode
bindkey -M vivis ' ' vi-visual-forward-char
bindkey -M vivis ',' vi-visual-rev-repeat-find
bindkey -M vivis '0' vi-visual-bol
bindkey -M vivis ';' vi-visual-repeat-find
bindkey -M vivis 'B' vi-visual-backward-blank-word
bindkey -M vivis 'C' vi-visual-substitute-lines
bindkey -M vivis 'D' vi-visual-kill-and-vicmd
bindkey -M vivis 'E' vi-visual-forward-blank-word-end
bindkey -M vivis 'F' vi-visual-find-prev-char
bindkey -M vivis 'G' vi-visual-goto-line
bindkey -M vivis 'I' vi-visual-insert-bol
bindkey -M vivis 'J' vi-visual-join
bindkey -M vivis 'O' vi-visual-exchange-points
bindkey -M vivis 'R' vi-visual-substitute-lines
bindkey -M vivis 'S ' vi-visual-surround-space
bindkey -M vivis "S'" vi-visual-surround-squote
bindkey -M vivis 'S"' vi-visual-surround-dquote
bindkey -M vivis 'S(' vi-visual-surround-parenthesis
bindkey -M vivis 'S)' vi-visual-surround-parenthesis
bindkey -M vivis 'T' vi-visual-find-prev-char-skip
bindkey -M vivis 'U' vi-visual-uppercase-region
bindkey -M vivis 'V' vi-visual-exit-to-vlines
bindkey -M vivis 'W' vi-visual-forward-blank-word
bindkey -M vivis 'Y' vi-visual-yank
bindkey -M vivis '^M' vi-visual-yank
bindkey -M vivis '^[' vi-visual-exit
bindkey -M vivis 'b' vi-visual-backward-word
bindkey -M vivis 'c' vi-visual-change
bindkey -M vivis 'd' vi-visual-kill-and-vicmd
bindkey -M vivis 'e' vi-visual-forward-word-end
bindkey -M vivis 'f' vi-visual-find-next-char
bindkey -M vivis 'gg' vi-visual-goto-first-line
bindkey -M vivis 'h' vi-visual-backward-char
bindkey -M vivis 'j' vi-visual-down-line
bindkey -M vivis 'jj' vi-visual-exit
bindkey -M vivis 'k' vi-visual-up-line
bindkey -M vivis 'l' vi-visual-forward-char
bindkey -M vivis 'o' vi-visual-exchange-points
bindkey -M vivis 'p' vi-visual-put
bindkey -M vivis 'r' vi-visual-replace-region
bindkey -M vivis 't' vi-visual-find-next-char-skip
bindkey -M vivis 'u' vi-visual-lowercase-region
bindkey -M vivis 'v' vi-visual-eol
bindkey -M vivis 'w' vi-visual-forward-word
bindkey -M vivis 'y' vi-visual-yank
MIT @b4b4r07