Dynamo Ada Application Code Generator
This Ada05 application is a code generator used to generate
an Ada Web Application or database mappings from hibernate-like
XML description, YAML doctrine model or UML models. It provides various commands for the
generation of a web application which uses the Ada Web Application framework
-C <dir>
to change directory before executing a command
alr with dynamo
Install it with:
make install
The Dynamo Ada Generator sources as well as a wiki documentation
is provided on:
Dynamo integrates some files from the GNU Compiler Collection (5.2.0).
These files are used to read the GNAT project files (see src/gnat).
They are distributed under the GPL version 3 license.
Dynamo integrates the AdaYaml library written by Felix Krause
(but with many fixes) and distributed under the MIT license (see copying.txt and src/yaml).
The Dynamo core implementation is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.
The Dynamo templates are distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.
The Dynamo generated code can be distributed under whatever license you like.
To help users in using UML modeling together with Dynamo, the ArgoUML
application is integrated, it is distributed under the Eclipse Public License and the BSD license.