attiny85 with white LED and 128x32 i2c oled display - 2 buttons for set hours and minutes
Use a ATtiny85 8pin AVR chip as watch with a alarm LED, a 128x32 i2c oled display and 2 buttons for set hours, minutes and count down (alarm).
I use a BC108-C . Set Vibration motor + to RAW (3.7 till 4.1V) and V-motor - to the collector, GND to the emitter, LEDPIN to the basic.
. xxxxxxx
Chassis build with 1:3 silicone (hardware store), food coloring and maize starch (supermarket).
I have to switch via sh
skript from 1MHz back to 8MHz, because Arduino IDE
can not flash ATtiny85 in 1MHz mode. After programming I have to switch ATtiny85 back with
the sh
Thanks to Neven Boyanov and the Tinusaur/SSD1306xLED project. (MIT License)
The Tinusaur Project. I modified it to use a
128x32 instead of 128x64 oled display.