A simple NTP-driven 7-segment LED clock built on ESP32.
A simple, no-frills clock that I built around an Adafruit HUZZAH32 breakout and a 7-Segment Display w/ I2C Backpack.
This is an exceedingly simple circuit, only utilizing 2 GPIO pins on the ESP32 breakout for I2C to the display. A Fritzing circuit diagram is included; here’s a snapshot of that:
The backpack runs from power on the 3V pin on the breakout. SCL and SDA come from pins 22 & 23 respectively on the breakout.
For now, we grab the time from the NTP source during setup() and then drop off the network. I expect this will result in clock drift. I’ll fix that later with a periodic refresh of some description.
lib includes the Adafruit Arduino libraries needed for the 7-segment display, as captured from GitHub on 2020-01-19.
Here’s a gratuitous action shot of the current breadboard prototype: