项目作者: matiasmascioto
项目描述 :
:soccer::chart_with_upwards_trend: A curated list of awesome resources related to Soccer Analytics.
项目地址: git://github.com/matiasmascioto/awesome-soccer-analytics.git
Awesome Soccer Analytics 
A curated list of awesome resources related to Soccer Analytics in english and spanish.
- References:
- S+: Soccer and other sports. The resource is not just about soccer.
Blogs & Websites
Data Providers
- A public data set of spatio-temporal match events in soccer competitions : Free - .json - UEFA Euro Cup 2016 - La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, Premier League, Ligue 1, FIFA World Cup 2018
- European Soccer Database: Free - .sqlite - 25k+ matches, players & teams attributes for European Professional Football
- engsoccerdata: Free - .csv - English and European soccer results 1871-2017
- football.csv: Free - .csv - Historical soccer results in .csv format
- football.db: Free - database - A free and open public domain football database & schema for use in any (programming) language (e.g. uses plain datasets).
- Metrica Sports sample tracking and event data: Free - .csv - Sample tracking and event data.
- PlusMinusData: Free - R package - Play by play data from espn.com and sofifa.com
- Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation: Free- database - Historical league tables and football results
- RoboCup Soccer Simulator: Free - .csv - RoboCup Soccer Simulator Data
- Soccer match event dataset: Free - .json - Spatio-temporal events (passes, shots, fouls, etc.) that occur during all matches of an entire season of seven competitions (La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, Premier League, Ligue 1, FIFA World Cup 2018, UEFA Euro Cup 2016).
- Soccer Video and Player Position Dataset: Free - .csv - Dataset of elite soccer player movements and corresponding videos
- StatsBomb Open Data: - Free - JSON - Competitions and matches (with events)
- wosostats: Free - .csv - Data about women’s soccer from around the world.
- BDFUTBOL: Paid - Historical football results, players and teams data
- ClubElo: Free - Historical ELO rankings for european soccer.
Other resources
Events & Conferences
Open Source Libraries
- BirdsPyView: (Python) A Streamlit app to transform perspective of an image to a top-down view by identifying a rectangle on the ground
- ggsoccer - (R) Plot Opta-style soccer event data in R/ggplot2.
- PlusMinusModels - (R) This package fits plus-minus models for sports data.
- PyFootballPitch - (Python) Functions to draw a football pitch in various available styles for matplotlib and bokeh.
- SBpitch - (R) Creates customisable plots of pitches in ggplot2 that allows event data to be plotted on top.
- socceraction: (Python) - Convert existing soccer event stream data to SPADL and value player actions
- soccerAnimate: (R) - An R package to create 2D animations of soccer tracking data
- soccermatics - (R) Tools for visualisation and analysis of soccer spatiotemporal data.
- Tracking-Data - (R) Plots soccer tracking data.
- Codeball - (Python) Data driven tactical and video analysis of soccer games.
- Expected-Goals-Model - (R) Expected Goals Model.
- extending-xG-gain - (R) An attempt to extend xG gain.
- Football-crunching - (Python) Some soccer analysis.
- passing-networks - (R) Tools to create team passing networks from soccer passing data.
- regista - (R) Package for performing some of the common modelling tasks in soccer analytics.
- simulated-walks - (R) Simulate movement of football players using a random walk rule.
- statsbomb-parser - (Python) Convert StatsBomb’s JSON data into easy-to-use CSV format.
- statsbomb_python - (Python) Python Package for using Statsbomb IQ dataset.
- StatsBomb_WomensData - (R) Utilising the free women’s football data supplied by Statsbomb to help explore and teach football analytics.
- xyFootyPy - (Python) Introduction to working with Positional Data - Using RoboCup 2D Simulation Data.
- football-graphs - (Clojure) Some visualizations on passing networks
Data Scientists - Data Analysts
Contributions are always welcome! Send me a pull request.