项目作者: imagine10255

项目描述 :
A React framework for web artisans nextjs 9
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/imagine10255/imnext-js.git
创建时间: 2019-08-02T07:18:40Z



About Imnext

Imnext is a web application framework with nextjs, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Imnext takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:

Imnext is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.

Learning Imnext

How to use

Check your nodejs version is 12

Environmental parameters

  • PORT: 運行埠號
  • SITE_ENV: sandbox, staging) production
  • SITE_CODE: site code (ref: src/config/site.js, ex: imnext)
  • ROUTE_PREFIX_PATH: next-route, /_next prefix path (ex: /)
  • STATIC_BASE_URL: Static file base url (ex: http://static.com/static, /static)
  • API_BASE_URL: API Base path (ex: http://static.com/api, /api)

Quick Start

  1. # Clone project
  2. $ clone git@github.com:imagine10255/imnext.git my-imnext-project
  3. # Enter folder and Install, then copy environment setting
  4. $ cd my-imnext-project && yarn && cp .env.sandbox .env
  5. # Start develop
  6. $ yarn dev
  7. > 🚀 Ready on http://localhost:3000

open browser example in http://localhost:3000/example


  1. # Ready Release
  2. $ docker-compose build
  3. # Run
  4. $ docker-compose up --build
  5. > 🚀 Ready on http://localhost:3000

Export No Server File

  1. # Build and Exprot
  2. $ yarn build && yarn export
  3. # Test Run
  4. $ yarn export:start
  5. > Local: http://localhost:8080

Remove example

  1. $ rm -rf ./src/pages/example ./public/static/images/example ./src/container/example ./public/static/locales/*/example.json