项目作者: digibib

项目描述 :
Style-guide and component library
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/digibib/deichman-ui.git
创建时间: 2019-01-15T09:28:03Z




@digibib/deichman-ui.svg" alt="NPM version">
@digibib/deichman-ui" alt="Bundle size">

Style-guide and component library for the Oslo public libraries

Built with


Local development is done via React-storybook. Clone the repo and run:

  1. npm i
  2. npm start

New components

Before adding a new Component, make sure this is a generic utility-component. If it’s not, add it to the project where it will be used. I.E, an “Accordion” is generic, a “LibraryDetailsCard” is probably not.

New component checklist:
Requirement Description
The component is semantic Use HTML5 markup, the correct font hierarchy etc.
The component is documented Ensure the component has a Component.md file, a story and proptype definitions.
The component is accessible Usable with a keyboard, correct :focus-styles, correct aria-roles.
The component is tested Cross-browser testing.


All icons are stored in the /src/assets/icons folder.

Adding a new icon:
  • Export the icons for web!
  • It’s important that they’re as lean as possible since they’ll be downloaded by all visitors. Use this Optimizer if possible.
  • Make sure the new icon has the same size/style/line width as the old files.
  • Add the icon to the folder and run npm run icons.
  • After the output file has been created (public/icons.svg), You need to manually replace any hex color values (taken from the source files) with currentColor. This will allow the icons to easily be colored when used. NB: Check the commit well to ensure you didn’t edit any old icons/colors).
  • Add the new icon to the stories/1-Base/3-icons.stories.js file.
  • Publish new version of Deichman-UI.


Make sure to update the changelog if there’s any breaking changes.

To publish a new version of the library to npm:

  1. npm version {major/minor/patch}
  2. git push --tags
  3. git push origin master
  4. npm publish

To publish/update the docs:

  1. npm run deploy-storybook

CDN Cache

jsDelivr will cache the @latest tag for 24 hours, if you’re using the latest version and wish to purge the cache, visit @digibib/deichman-ui@latest/dist/index.css"">https://purge.jsdelivr.net/npm/@digibib/deichman-ui@latest/dist/index.css