项目作者: waitress-app

项目描述 :
高级语言: Vue
项目地址: git://github.com/waitress-app/app.git
创建时间: 2020-01-25T01:45:07Z



Coc Logo

Live App
Build test
Unit test
E2E test

Waitress is an app made for restaurantes to make life easier for magangers, waiters, cooks and clients

  • Managers can see graphics, about their clients and incomes.
  • Waiters can manage tables singin their costumers, take orders, generate the bills and splits and see their tips inside the app.
  • Cooks can see their next orders.
  • Clients can check in, call for waiter, see an digital version of your menu.

How to

App setup

## Install dependencies
Yarn knowledge is required for running this project getting started with yarn
yarn install

## Run

### Compiles and hot-reloads for development
You can look at localhost:8080 to see the app
yarn serve

## Build

### Compiles and minifies for production
A folder will be created in root path named dist
yarn run build

## Test

### Run your end to end tests
For this test im using cypress
yarn test:e2e

### Run your unit tests
For this test im using jest
yarn test:unit --watch (optional)

## Linter

### Lints and fixes files
yarn lint

Storybook setup

## Install dependencies
Yarn knowledge is required for running this project getting started with yarn
yarn install

## Run

#### Compiles and hot-reloads for development
You can look at localhost:6006 to see the storybook
yarn storybook

## Build

### Compiles and minifies for production
A folder will be created in root path named storybook-static
yarn build-storybook

## Linter

### Lints and fixes files
yarn lint


Logo made by: izamariaa

Freepik - Image made by:

Flaticon - Icons made by: