Swagger/OpenAPI RESTful API for Cumulocity
Swagger/OpenAPI RESTful API for Cumulocity
Depreaction Notice: This API file is outdated. Please use https://cumulocity.com/api/10.15.0/dist/c8y-oas.json instead.
The source of the API is the official Cumulocity Postman collection https://app.getpostman.com/run-collection/7c7d00719ab238097686
The collection has been converted using APIMatic’s API Transformer https://www.apimatic.io/transformer
Replace {host} parameter with your Cumulocity URL.
For example “host”: “MyTenantName.eu-latest.cumulocity.com”
The file can be used to import the Cumulocity API into Software AG’s API Portal and API Gateway products.
More info and a demo can be found in the article: Cumulocity integration with API Portal and API Gateway
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