项目作者: SoftwareAG

项目描述 :
Displays an animated compass direction based on the measurement data provided. Developed by Global Presales.
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/SoftwareAG/cumulocity-compass-widget.git
创建时间: 2020-11-05T12:46:35Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Cumulocity IoT Compass widget

⚠️ This project is no longer under development. Please use cumulocity-compass-widget-plugin for Application Builder >=2.x.x and Cumulocity >=1016.x.x⚠️

This widget displays an animated compass direction based on the measurement data provided.



Realtime: Realtime direction updates from defined measurement


Runtime Widget Deployment?

  • This widget supports runtime deployment. Download the Runtime Binary and use application builder to install your runtime widget.


This guide will teach you how to add the widget in your existing or new dashboard.

NOTE: This guide assumes that you have followed the installation instructions

  1. Open the Application Builder application from the app switcher (Next to your username in the top right)
  2. Add a new dashboard or navigate to an existing dashboard
  3. Click Add Widget
  4. Search for Compass
  5. See below for the configuration options

Configuration options

  1. Select your device in the Target Assets or Devices field
  2. Select the device measurement and fragment in the Measurement dropdown
  3. Click Save

The compass widget will refresh each time a new measurement value is sent from the device.

Sending data to the Compass widget

The compass widget will listen for the measurement and fragment which you have specified in the configuration options above

The compass arrow will move to the numeric measurement value which must be between 0 and 360 to represent the arrow rotation in degrees.

In the ‘body’ of your Cumulocity measurement, you will need to include the following:

  1. {
  2. measurementseries: The measurement series which has been selected in the compass widget e.g. "weather_station"
  3. {
  4. measureementfragment: The measurement fragment which has been selected in the compass widget e.g. "wind_direction"
  5. {
  6. value: numeric value from 0 to 360 to represent the rotation of the compass arrow e.g. 270
  7. unit: the unit label e.g. "degrees"
  8. }
  9. .
  10. .
  11. }


  1. {
  2. weather_station: {
  3. wind_direction: {
  4. value: 270,
  5. unit: "degrees"
  6. }
  7. }
  8. .
  9. .
  10. }

Development - to enhance and test this widget in your local environment

  1. Clone the repository on your local machine using git clone https://github.com/SoftwareAG/cumulocity-compass-widget.git.
  2. Run npm install to download the module dependencies.
  3. Run c8ycli server -u https://your_tenant_url to start the server.
  4. Go to http://localhost:9000/apps/cockpit/ in the browser to view and test your changes.
  5. (Optional) push the changes back to this repository.

Build - to create a new build of the compass-animation widget for the Runtime Widget Loader

  1. Finish the development and testing on your local machine.
  2. Run gulp to start the build process.
  3. Use the compass-widget.zip file in the dist folder as your distribution file.

This widget is provided as-is and without warranty or support. They do not constitute part of the Software AG product suite. Users are free to use, fork and modify them, subject to the license agreement. While Software AG welcomes contributions, we cannot guarantee to include every contribution in the master project.

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