Go client wrapper and CTL tool for DNSPod API
Go client wrapper and CTL tool for DNSPOD API
Make sure you have go installed in your env.
go get -u github.com/wangzn/dnspodapi/dpctl
dpctl help
Default config file is at $HOME/.dnspod.yaml
Demo config file could be found at demo config
# test connection and print info
dpctl info
# list all domains
dpctl domain -a list
# get domain info
dpctl domain -d ashtray.wang,ashtray.name -a info
# create domain and add default record
dpctl domain -d abc.xyz,abcde.xyz -a create
# remove domain
dpctl domain -d abc.xyz,abcde.xyz -a remove
# enable domain
dpctl domain -d abc.xyz,abcde.xyz -a enable
# disable domain
dpctl domain -d abc.xyz,abcde.xyz -a diable
# list record of domain ashtray.wang and ashtray.name
dpctl record -a list -d ashtray.wang,ashtray.name
# get record info of domain ashtray.wang, with record proxy,proxy11,proxy12
dpctl record -a info -d ashtray.wang -r proxy,proxy11,proxy12
# disalbe these records and enable them again
dpctl record -a disable -d ashtray.wang -r proxy,proxy11,proxy12
dpctl record -a enable -d ashtray.wang -r proxy,proxy11,proxy12
# create a record
dpctl record -a create -d ashtray.wang -r testcreate -t A -v
# createa record with TTL 6000
dpctl record -a create -d ashtray.wang -r testcreate -t A -v -T 6000
## import records from local file but DO NOT CLEAR conflict records
dpctl record -a import -d ashtray.wang -f testdata/records.lst
# import records from local file and CLEAR conflict ones
dpctl record -a import -d ashtray.wang -f testdata/records.lst --clear
# import record and force create domain if not exist
dpctl record -a import -d ashtray.wang,abcde.xyz -f testdata/records.lst --force-domain
# export records to file, append if file exist
dpctl record -d ashtray.wang -a export -f /dev/stdout --export-file-mode append
# export records to file, with records filter www21,www22, and overwrite local file if exist
dpctl record -d ashtray.wang -a export -f testdata/export.lst --export-file-mode overwrite -r www11,www12
# ensure records defined in a file, and import into a domain
dpctl record -a ensure -d abc.xyz -f testdata/records.lst
# ensure records defined in a file, and import into a domain, clear all conflict records, clear records not defined in `records.lst`, and clear NS record of @
dpctl record -a ensure -d abc.xyz -f testdata/records.lst --clear --exclude --force-domain
> tail -n 2 testdata/records.lst
cdn1 CNAME proxy1.
cdn2 CNAME www.{DOMAIN}.cdn.com
if the domain variable is abc.xyz
, then cdn1
will CNAME to proxy1.abc.xyz
and cdn2
will CNAME to www.abc.xyz.cdn.com
We can predefined some common used cmds into playbook (named as scene ), and reuse them in short command.
dpctl help playbook
scene is a list of actions , e.g.:
- auth: "default" # could omit to use default
category: "domain"
action: "create"
subject: "abc.xyz,abcde.xyz"
- auth: "default" # could omit to use default
category: "record"
action: "import"
subject: ""
domain: "abc.xyz,abcde.xyz"
clear: "on"
force_domain: "off"
record_file: "testdata/record.lst"
- auth: "default" # could omit to use default
category: "record"
action: "export"
subject: "www,proxy"
domain: "abc.xyz,abcde.xyz"
file_mode: "append" # overwrite, default is exit for no damage
record_file: "testdata/record.lst"
In this scene above, we define three actions:
into domain abc.xyz,abcde.xyz
with record www
and proxy
in domain abc.xyz,abcde.xyz
then we could preview this scene in case of any unexpected cmds
dpctl playbook -a preview -s scene1
finally, we could run this scene
dpctl playbook -a run -s scene1