项目作者: xyangwu
项目描述 :
探索社会事实 \nExploration on *faits sociaux*
高级语言: R
项目地址: git://github.com/xyangwu/whosesociety-data.git
“whose data, whose society”
This slogan above was Inspired by the feminism book, whose science, whose knowledge
We should understand our world through critical thinking, which is often a positivism way.
So, collecting and exploring data regarding social and economics phenomenon is to answer some questions in our daily life …
Do you think
homosexual can be
Data from World Value Survey
bilibili 上关于农村的视频在不同分类间的分布
What videos related to
rural areas on
bilibili are most frequently watched?
可支配收入差距, 中国上海
Income Disparity among Households in Shanghai, CN
野生动物贸易Wild Animal Export From China
职业中的性别隔离Occupational Segregation by Gender, CN
Back to Work When “Coronavirus is Leaving”, China