项目作者: nbr23

项目描述 :
Chip-8 Tools
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/nbr23/chippy8.git
创建时间: 2018-12-29T00:25:44Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



Chip8 emulator, assembler,
disassembler, with simplistic
curses debugging interface.


Chipp8 has been tested with python3.8.

Install the requirements with:

pip install -r requirements.txt



To assemble the simple demo program:

chippy8 asm demo/23.asm demo_23.c8

To run it:

chippy8 emulator demo_23.c8

Chippy8 emulator demo

To run it in debug mode:

chippy emulator -d demo_23.c8

Chippy8 emulator debug demo

Chippy8 Assembler

chippy8 asm PROGRAM.asm BINARY

Assembles PROGRAM.asm into the Chip8 binary file BINARY

Chippy8 Disassembler

chippy8 disasm BINARY OUT.asm

Disassembles BINARY, writting the assembly code into OUT.asm

Chippy8 Emulator

chippy8 emulator BINARY

Execute BINARY using on the chip8 emulator.

Optional flags:

  • -d: run in debug mode, displaying current registry values, and program
    execution flow. SPACE key will stop execution. n key will execute
    instructions step by step.
  • -b: add a breakpoint at the start of the program. Use the n key for step
    by step execution. Ignored if not in debug mode (-d).
  • -f FREQ: specify (approximate) CPU frequency. Defaults to 60Hz