项目作者: scy

项目描述 :
My first(?) piece of code. Around 1988.
高级语言: Visual Basic
项目地址: git://github.com/scy/weihnachtsgruss.git
创建时间: 2018-08-25T16:42:08Z



Weihnachtsgruss (Computer)

Photo of the tape this was stored on

This is probably the oldest preserved piece of software that I’ve ever written.
It’s called “Weihnachtsgruss” (Christmas greeting) and I guess the Christmas it refers to could be that of 1988, when I was 5 years old.
Could also be the 1989 one; sadly, the data on the tape doesn’t have a timestamp.

It’s a BASIC program for an Atari 600 XL (or maybe even an 800 XL, I don’t remember what I’ve owned) that I’ve found in my cassette tape collection.

I’ve included the high quality WAV file of the tape section as well as conversions to CAS and “raw“ format (as a8cas generates them) and the original source code (converted from the .raw using mistalro/atariconv).
Oh, and also a photograph of the tape that it was stored on.
A 90 minute tape containing about 18 seconds of audio.

The code doesn’t do much and it also doesn’t make much sense (I like the unreachable “Guten Tag”), but I’m so happy that I’ve found it and that I was even able to restore it.

What I did

  1. Record the original tape using a Yamaha KX-300 tape deck and a Behringer Firepower FCA1616 audio interface as a 96 kHz stereo track into Audacity.
  2. Save the result as a 16 bit WAV file.
  3. Convert it to CAS and “raw” using a8cas:
    1. a8cas-convert weihnachtsgruss.wav weihnachtsgruss.cas
    2. new block...
    3. Attempting to recognize data block... succeeded: bit_length=0.001666
    4. Adjusted bit_1_0_diff = 0.000002
    5. End of data block at byte 132, found IRG=0.264733
    6. new block...
    7. Attempting to recognize data block... succeeded: bit_length=0.001668
    8. Adjusted bit_1_0_diff = 0.000019
    9. End of data block at byte 132, found IRG=0.246667
    10. new block...
    11. Attempting to recognize data block... succeeded: bit_length=0.001666
    12. Adjusted bit_1_0_diff = 0.000020
    13. End of data block at byte 132, found IRG=0.337937
    14. new block...
    15. Attempting to recognize data block... failed
    16. new block...
    17. Attempting to recognize data block... failed
  4. Since the raw file contains the source code in a tokenized binarish version, use atariconv to create a text file from it again:
    1. ./atari weihnachtsgruss.bas
    2. Error:
    3. File number of variables= 0
    4. Actual number of variables = 0
    5. -----< Listing of file >-------------------------
    6. 1 PRINT "Ich wuensche allen von "
    7. 2 PRINT "ganzem Herzen"
    11. 6 GOTO 1
    12. 7 END
    13. 9 PRINT "Guten Tag"
    14. 10 GOTO 9
    15. -------------------------------------------------


This code was written by Tim Weber (scy), who also restored it in August of 2018.