项目作者: OuhscBbmc

项目描述 :
Spatial Analysis of SafeCare project
高级语言: R
项目地址: git://github.com/OuhscBbmc/bard-safecare-spatial-1.git
创建时间: 2012-10-05T15:22:09Z



Coulton et al,. 2007_1647699169843.pdf
Coulton et al., 1999_1647699169870.pdf
Deaths from Falls in Children_1647699169900.pdf
Drake et al. (2003)_1647699169956.pdf
Evidence base in child protection litigation_1647699170119.pdf
Fallon et al (2010)_1647699170172.pdf
Fallon et al. (2011)_1647699170249.pdf
Felitti & Anda (2009)_1647699170331.pdf
Felitti et al. (1998)_1647699170397.pdf
Finkelhor & Jones, 2006_1647699170412.pdf
Flaherty Assessment of Suspicion of Abuse_1647699170537.pdf
Fluke et al. (2003)_1647699170607.pdf
Fluke et al. (2008)_1647699170683.pdf
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Freisthler et al., 2006_1647699170890.pdf
Freisthler et al., 2007_1647699171013.pdf
Freisthler et al., 20120_1647699171108.pdf
Freisthler, Darcey et al., 2006_1647699171174.pdf
Hindley et al. (2006)_1647699171212.pdf
Incidence of severe physical abuse in Wales_1647699171228.pdf
Intentional injury management_1647699171297.pdf
Jones, Finkelhor, & Halter, 2006'_1647699171355.pdf
Kesner et al. (2009)_1647699171387.pdf
LONGSCAN MMCS Coding_1647699171409.pdf
Leeb et al. (2008)_1647699171573.pdf
Likelihood of a death of an infant_1647699171904.pdf
Manly (2005)_1647699172041.pdf
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Millet et al_1647699172139.pdf
Molnar et al., 2003_1647699172416.pdf
Morton et al. (2011)_1647699172444.pdf
Mossman (2013)_1647699172676.pdf
National call to action_1647699173062.pdf
Paulson et al, 2003_1647699173206.pdf
Pediatricians role in child maltreatment_1647699173395.pdf
Protecting children from sexual Abuse_1647699173424.pdf
Repetti et al. (2002)_1647699173481.pdf
Restricting the time of injury_1647699173556.pdf
Risk of lead poisoning_1647699173642.pdf
Runyan, et al.; Describing maltreatment Do child protective service reports and research definitions agree_1647699173709.pdf
Safe Schools National Resource Manual_1647699173809.pdf
Schlonsky & Wagner (2005)_1647699173848.pdf
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Slack et al. (2011)_1647699173916.pdf
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Stith et al. (2009)_1647699174086.pdf
Syphilis as a sole indicator of sexual abuse_1647699174128.pdf
The Pediatricians role in child maltreatment_1647699174179.pdf
The message_1647699174229.pdf
Use of consumer injury_1647699174242.pdf
Weber, Hsee, & Sokolowska (1998)_1647699174248.pdf
Why is sexual abuse declining_1647699174285.pdf
Wulczyn (2009)_1647699174409.pdf
Possible Topics for Are You Sure Panel Discussion_1647699174610.docx
confcal plan_1647699174851.doc
confcal plan2_1647699174888.doc
Emalee handout San Diego_1647699175001.docx
Pittsburgh Gazette article_1647699175061.doc
Burdens & Certainty_1647699174893.ppt
Ards (2003)_1647699169451.pdf
Aron et al., 2010_1647699169538.pdf
Ben-Arieh, 2006_1647699169585.pdf
CV267_Have SA PA Decline_FACT SHEET_11-7-12_1647699169622.pdf
Case 2 Seizures in a 4 mo old infant_1647699169692.pdf
Child Abuse, confidentiality and health insurance_1647699169730.pdf
Child Fatality Review_1647699169804.pdf
Zip Code Paper_1647699168796.docx
Are You Sure_OLD_1647699169213.docx
Are You Sure_newer_1647699169243.docx
April HV Meeting_1647699169162.pptx