This project helps find out soil composition on other planets to find out if they're habitable or not.
This project helps find out soil composition on other planets to find out if they’re habitable or not.
Most of what we know about the elemental composition of Mars comes from orbiting spacecraft and landers.
If you google something about this, all you can find is “there ‘may’ be iron, magnesium, calcium, etc”. There is no proper confirmation as to which element is present where and in what quantity.
In order to make a proper plan for living on Mars, we need to know all these details.
1) Find the weather, temperature and pressure of the planet.
2) Find the soil moisture which will help us realize if water is available in the soil in that area.
3) Feature detection for planetary exploration.
1) Solar Powered.
2) Autonomous (using Image Processing).
3) Bore to dig into the soil.
4) Automatic wind protection.
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MIT © Akshat Gupta
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