项目作者: rahulmalhotra

项目描述 :
Salesforce Git Codelab by SFDCStop
高级语言: Apex
项目地址: git://github.com/rahulmalhotra/salesforce-git-codelab.git
创建时间: 2020-06-27T10:56:56Z



Salesforce Git Codelab Tweet

This repository consist of all the code used in Salesforce Git Codelab by SFDC Stop premiered on YouTube on 28th June 2020 7:00 P.M. IST.

View the YouTube Premiere to complete the codelab or follow the below steps.

After you’ve completed the Codelab you can see your name on the SFDC Stop Contributors Page


You need a GitHub account and the below softwares setup in your system before starting the Codelab.


  • Fork this repository

  • Clone it to your PC

    1. git clone https://github.com/<your github username>/salesforce-git-codelab.git
  • Create a branch by <your-name> appended by dev

    1. git checkout -b rahuldev
  • Update the SFDCStopTeamController.cls Apex Class and add another entry in SFDC Stop Contributors List by copying and pasting the lines 33 - 40 with your own values i.e. your name, picture url, date of contribution and trailhead profile link as shown below:-

    1. sfdcstopContributors.add(
    2. new Contributor(
    3. 'Your Name',
    4. 'https://your-photo-url.jpg',
    5. Date.newInstance(2020, 06, 28),
    6. 'https://trailblazer.me/id/your-trailhead-username'
    7. )
    8. );
  • Stage your changes

    1. git add .
  • Commit your changes. Add a commit message in this format:- “Added <your name> to SFDC Stop Contributors”

    1. git commit -m "Added Rahul Malhotra to SFDC Stop Contributors"
  • Push the changes to your branch in forked repository

    1. git push origin rahuldev
  • Create a Pull Request

  • In case you face a merge conflict, Resolve the Merge Conflict by following the below steps:-

    • Store the original repo URL

      1. git remote add upstream https://github.com/rahulmalhotra/salesforce-git-codelab.git
    • Switch to master branch

      1. git checkout master
    • Fetch master branch from original repository

      1. git fetch upstream master
    • Merge upstream master with local master branch

      1. git merge upstream/master
    • Merge master branch into your dev branch

      1. git checkout rahuldev
      2. git merge master --no-ff
    • After this you’ll be able to see the merge conflict that you can resolve manually by carefully keeping both changes.

    • Stage the changes

      1. git add .
    • Commit the changes

      1. git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict"
    • PR will be updated automatically and I’ll merge your PR into the master branch

Once your PR is merged successfully, you can see your name on the SFDC Stop Contributors Page

Congratulations..!! You’ve just made a contribution and welcome to the world of Open Source :-)

As a bonus point, you can also update this README by adding your name to the list of contributors below..!!


  1. if(isAwesome(salesforceGitCodelab)) {
  2. salesforceGitCodelab.star(); // Thanks in Advance :P
  3. }