A Node.js starter for the Serverless Framework with webpack, custom domain and unit test support
A Node.js starter for the Serverless Framework with webpack, custom domain and unit test support
Once installed, you can create and deploy functions with the latest ES6 features in minutes, with linting and formatting baked in.
Serverless Node.js Starter uses the serverless-webpack plugin, Babel, and Mocha. It supports:
yarn serve
yarn test:unit
to run your testswebpack.config.js
curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash
yarn bash completion
- https://github.com/dsifford/yarn-completion
# If you don't already have the serverless cli installed, do that
yarn global add serverless
# Use the serverless cli to install this repo
serverless install --url https://github.com/shavo007/serverless-nodejs-starter
# cd into project and set it up
cd serverless-nodejs-starter
# The bootstrap command renames the project folder and project in package.json and serverless.yml
# and initializes a git repo
yarn bootstrap your-project-name
# Install dependencies
yarn install
Creating and deploying a new function takes two steps, which you can see in action with this repo’s default Hello World function (if you’re already familiar with Serverless, you’re probably familiar with these steps).
In the functions section of ./serverless.yml
, you have to add your new function like so:
handler: src/hello.default
- http:
path: hello
method: get
cors: true
we’re setting up a function named hello
with a handler at src/hello.js
(the .default
piece is just indicating that the function to run will be the default export from that file). The http
event says that this function will run when an http event is triggered (on AWS, this happens via API Gateway).
This starter kit’s Hello World function (which you will of course get rid of) can be found at ./src/hello.js
. There you can see a basic function that’s intended to work in conjunction with API Gateway (i.e., it is web-accessible). Like most Serverless functions, the hello
function accepts an event, context, and callback. When your function is completed, you execute the callback with your response. (This is all basic Serverless; if you’ve never used it, be sure to read through their docs.
On the other hand if you want to use express and proxy through api gateway have a look at ./src/index.js
For more info check out the tutorial at serverless and how it can help with cold starts serverless blog
domainName: shane.shanelee.xyz
certificateName: '*.shanelee.xyz'
basePath: ''
stage: ${self:provider.stage}
createRoute53Record: true
endpointType: 'regional'
To create the custom domain
Make sure and change the values to suit your needs
sls create_domain --stage dev
A Serverless plugin to easily add CloudWatch alarms to functions
- dev
topic: ${self:service}-${opt:stage}-alerts-alarm
- protocol: email
endpoint: shanelee007@gmail.com # Change this to your email address
This creates an SNS topic and triggers based on certain cloudwatch metrics and sends via email.
For more info check out their docs
To spin up a local dev server that will more closely match the API Gateway endpoint/experience:
yarn serve
When you add a new function to your serverless config, you don’t need to also add it as a new entry
for Webpack. The serverless-webpack
plugin allows us to follow a simple convention in our serverless.yml
file which is uses to automatically resolve your function handlers to the appropriate file:
handler: src/hello.default
As you can see, the path to the file with the function has to explicitly say where the handler
file is. (If your function weren’t the default export of that file, you’d do something like:src/hello.namedExport
Automated Dependency Updates
Renovate runs continuously to detect the latest available versions. And automagicaly creates PR on your github project with changelog and release notes.
For more info and how to authorise the github app check out onboarding guide
Assuming you’ve already set up your default AWS credentials
yarn deploy:dev
will deploy to “dev” environment. You can deploy to stage
or production
yarn deploy:stage
# -- or --
yarn deploy:production
After you’ve deployed, the output of the deploy script will give you the API endpoint
for your deployed function(s), so you should be able to test the deployed API via that URL.