A clojure/clojurescript notebook application/-library based on Gorilla-REPL
Pink Gorilla Notebook is a rich browser based notebook REPL for Clojure and ClojureScript, which aims at extensibility
(development- and runtime) and user experience while being very lightweight. Extensibility primarily revolves around
UI vizulisations and data.
Whichever method you use to start the notebook, you should reach it at http://localhost:8000/
The easiest way to run the notebook locally is leveraging the clojure
clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {org.pinkgorilla/notebook-bundel {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}' -m pinkgorilla.notebook-bundel
Since the default bundel ships many default ui extensions, you want to use the notebook-bundel
artefact, because the javascript frotend app has already been precompiled, which results in faster startup-time.
We recommend to use tools.deps over leiningen fortwo reasons:
One way to configure the notebook is to pass it a edn configuration file. An example is
notebook edn config
In your deps.edn add this alias:
:notebook {:extra-deps {org.pinkgorilla/notebook-bundel {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}
:exec-fn pinkgorilla.notebook-bundel/run
:exec-args {:config "notebook-config.edn"}}
then run it with clojure -X:notebook
trateg uses notebook-bundel with deps.edn:
Clone trateg and run clojure -X:notebook
We don’t recommend leiningen use with notebook, as leiningen does not use the highest version of dependencies.
If you define your own ui extensions, you need to compile the javascript bundel.
This requires some extra initial compilation time.
ui-quil use deps.edn to build a custom notebook
bundel (that includes the library that gets built).
gorilla-ui and
ui-vega use leiningen to run notebooks with a
custom build bundel, and with custom notebook folder.
Documentation has been moved over here
This option is mainly there for development of notebook.
For regular use, the long compile-times are not really sensible.
Run clojure -X:notebook
to run the notebook.
This runs the notebook with ui libraries bundled:
Run clojure -X:develop
to run the develop ui.
Gorilla is licensed to you under the MIT licence. See LICENCE.txt for details.
Copyright © 2019- Jony Hudson, Andreas Steffan and contributors