项目作者: sssemil

项目描述 :
Advanced Settings for Android Wear devices
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/sssemil/Advanced-Settings-for-Android-Wear.git
创建时间: 2015-04-13T08:33:50Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Advanced Settings for Android Wear Build Status

Advanced Settings for android wear devices. Root access is required for some features to work.

Here is transifex page for translation - https://www.transifex.com/sssemil/advanced-settings/

How to build

  1. Install the Android Studio
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Open it within Android Studio

Adding new device

In wear/src/main/assets you can see some config files, just copy any of them and name it after your device name (you can find it in /system/build.prop). After that explore your watch and change values to fit your it.

How to build

  1. Install the Android Studio
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Open it within Android Studio

Adding new device

In wear/src/main/assets you can see some config files, just copy any of them and rename it after your device (you can find device name in /system/build.prop). After that explore your watch and change values to fit your watch.

What you get (marked with R require root access):

  • Vibration intensity changing (R)
  • Installed apps information
  • Running apps information
  • Removing apps from watch(without phone or PC) (R)
  • Installing apps on watch(without phone or PC, but you need to install some file manager) (R)
  • Disabling system apps (R)
  • Change screen timeout(affects only in-apps timeout, does not affect main screen timeout)
  • Wider brightness settings
  • Alert on disconnect from phone
  • Bluetooth settings
  • Wi-Fi settings(if supported)
  • Wake on touch changing (R)
  • Date & time settings (R)
  • System language changing