:envelope: Facebook Messenger Platform Node.js API Wrapper
Requires Node 8+
npm install fb-messenger --save
You must require fb-messenger and create an instance
// Constructor
const FBMessenger = require('fb-messenger')
const messenger = new FBMessenger({token, notificationType})
// token is optional, if not included, must be sent in each method, notificationType is optional, default = 'REGULAR'
messenger.setToken(token) // Sets the instance token
messenger.setNotificationType(notificationType) // Sets the instance notificationType
// Methods (notificationType and token are optional)
messenger.sendTextMessage({id, message, notificationType, token}) // Sends a text message
messenger.sendAudioMessage({id, url, notificationType, token}) // Sends an audio from URL
messenger.sendVideoMessage({id, url, notificationType, token}) // Sends an video from URL
messenger.sendImageMessage({id, url, notificationType, token}) // Sends an image from URL
messenger.sendFileMessage({id, url, notificationType, token}) // Sends an file from URL
messenger.sendQuickRepliesMessage({id, attachment, quickReplies, notificationType, token}) // Sends a Quick Replies Message
messenger.sendButtonsMessage({id, message, buttons, notificationType, token}) // Sends a buttons template message
messenger.sendGenericMessage({id, elements, notificationType, token}) // Sends a generic template message
messenger.sendListMessage({id, elements, buttons, top_element_type, notificationType, token}) // Sends a list template message
messenger.sendMediaMessage({id, elements, notificationType, token}) // Sends a media template message
messenger.sendOpenGraphMessage({id, elements, notificationType, token}) // Sends an open graph template message
messenger.sendReceiptMessage({id, payload, notificationType, token}) // Sends a receipt template message (No need for template_type in payload)
messenger.sendAction({id, actionType, token}) // Send an action type (One of 'mark_seen', 'typing_on', 'typing_off')
messenger.sendMessage({id, data, notificationType, token}) // Send a message from custom data
messenger.getProfile({id, token}) // Gets user information
messenger.setWelcomeMessage({pageId, message, token}) // Sets Page's Welcome Message (message can be a text string or a strucuted message)
messenger.setGreetingText ({pageId, message, token}) // Sets Page's Greeting Text
messenger.setPersistentMenu ({pageId, menuItems, token}) // Set's Page's Persistent Menu
messenger.setDomainWhitelist ({pageId, domains, token}) // Set's Page's Whitelisted Domains
messenger.sendThreadSettingsMessage ({pageId, body, token}) // Send Manually Page's Thread Settings
const FBMessenger = require('fb-messenger')
const messenger = new FBMessenger({token: '<YOUR TOKEN>'}) // Will always use this page's token for request unless sent on each method
messenger.sendTextMessage({id: '<ID>', text: 'Hello'})
const FBMessenger = require('fb-messenger')
const messenger = new FBMessenger({token: '<YOUR TOKEN>'})
try {
const response = await messenger.sendTextMessage({id: '<ID>', text: 'Hello'})
} catch (e) {
const FBMessenger = require('fb-messenger')
const messenger = new FBMessenger({token: '<YOUR TOKEN>'})
messenger.sendTextMessage({id: '<ID>', text: 'Hello', notificationType: 'NO_PUSH'})
const FBMessenger = require('fb-messenger')
const messenger = new FBMessenger({token: '<YOUR TOKEN>', notificationType: 'SILENT_PUSH'})
const FBMessenger = require('fb-messenger')
const messenger = new FBMessenger({token: '<YOUR TOKEN>', notificationType: 'NO_PUSH'})
try {
await messenger.sendTextMessage({id: '<ID>', text: 'Hello'}) // Send a message with NO_PUSH, ignoring response
console.log('Sent successfully')
} catch(e) {
// Send an image overriding default notification type with callback
try {
const response = await messenger.sendImageMessage({id: '<ID>', url: '<IMG URL>', notificationType: 'REGULAR'})
console.log('Sent image, response:')
} catch(e) {
messenger.sendTextMessage({id: '<ID>', text: 'Hello', token: '<YOUR OTHER TOKEN>'}) // Send message on another page
MIT. Copyright © Diego Rodríguez Baquero