A workbench for writing toy implementations of distributed algorithms again pre-defined Jepsen tests.
Maelstrom is a workbench for learning distributed systems by writing your own.
It uses the Jepsen testing library to
test toy implementations of distributed systems. Maelstrom provides
standardized tests for things like “a commutative set” or “a transactional
key-value store”, and lets you learn by writing implementations which those
test suites can exercise. It’s used as a part of a distributed systems workshop
by Jepsen.
Maelstrom provides a range of tests for different kinds of
distributed systems, built on top of a simple JSON
protocol via STDIN and STDOUT. Users write servers in any
language. Maelstrom runs those servers, sends them requests, routes
messages via a simulated network, and checks that clients observe expected
behavior. You want to write Plumtree in Bash? Byzantine Paxos in Intercal?
Maelstrom is for you.
Maelstrom’s tooling lets users experiment with simulated
latency and message
loss. Every test includes timeline
visualizations of concurrency structure,
statistics on messages
exchanged, timeseries graphs to understand how
latency, availability, and throughput respond to changing conditions, and
Lamport diagrams so you can understand
exactly how messages flow through your system. Maelstrom’s checkers can verify
sophisticated safety properties up to
strict serializability, and generate intuitive, minimal
examples of consistency anomalies.
Maelstrom can help you model how a system responds to different cluster sizes,
network topologies, latency distributions, and faults like network partitions.
Maelstrom also offers simulated services that you can use
to build more complex systems.
It’s built for testing toy systems, but don’t let that fool you: Maelstrom is
reasonably fast and can handle simulated clusters of 25+ nodes. On a 48-way
Xeon, it can use 94% of all cores, pushing upwards of 60,000 network
The Maelstrom Guide will take you through writing several different types of
distributed algorithms using Maelstrom. We begin by setting up Maelstrom and
its dependencies, write our own tiny echo server, and move on to more
sophisticated workloads.
There are also several reference documents that may be helpful:
Maelstrom is a Clojure program which runs on the Java
Virtual Machine. It uses
Jepsen to generate operations, record a
history of their results, and analyze what happens.
Writing “real” distributed systems involves a lot of busywork: process
management, networking, and message serialization are complex, full of edge
cases, and difficult to debug across languages. In addition, running a full
cluster of virtual machines connected by a real IP network is tricky for many
users. Maelstrom strips these problems away so you can focus on the algorithmic
essentials: process state, transitions, and messages.
The “nodes” in a Maelstrom test are plain old binaries written in any language.
Nodes read “network” messages as JSON from STDIN, write JSON “network” messages
to STDOUT, and do their logging to STDERR. Maelstrom runs those nodes as
processes on your local machine, and connects them via a simulated network.
Maelstrom runs a collection of simulated network clients which make requests to
those nodes, receive responses, and records a history of those operations. At
the end of a test run, Maelstrom analyzes that history to identify safety
This allows learners to write their nodes in whatever language they are most
comfortable with, without having to worry about discovery, network
communication, daemonization, writing their own distributed test harness, and
so on. It also means that Maelstrom can perform sophisticated fault injection
and trace analysis.
Maelstrom starts in maelstrom.core
, which parses CLI operations and
constructs a test map. It hands that off to Jepsen, which sets up the servers
and Maelstrom services via maelstrom.db
. Spawning binaries and handling their
IO is done in maelstrom.process
, and Maelstrom’s internal services (e.g.lin-kv
are defined in maelstrom.service
. Jepsen then spawns clients
depending on the workload (maelstrom.workload.*
) and a nemesis
) to inject faults.
Messages between nodes are routed by maelstrom.net
, and logged inmaelstrom.journal
. Clients send requests and parse responses viamaelstrom.client
, which also defines Maelstrom’s RPC protocol.
At the end of the test, Jepsen checks the history using a checker built inmaelstrom.core
: workload-specific checkers are defined in their respective
workload namespaces. Network statistics are computed inmaelstrom.net.journal
, and Lamport diagrams are generated bymaelstrom.net.viz
helps generate documentation based on maelstrom.client
registry of RPC types and workloads.
A full list of options is available by running java -jar maelstrom.jar test
. The important ones are:
--workload NAME
: What kind of workload should be run?--bin SOME_BINARY
: The program you’d like Maelstrom to spawn instances of--node-count NODE-NAME
: How many instances of the binary should be spawned?To get more information, use:
: Show STDERR output from each node in the Maelstrom log--log-net-send
: Log messages as they are sent into the network--log-net-recv
: Log messages as they are received by nodesTo make tests more or less aggressive, use:
--time-limit SECONDS
: How long to run tests for--rate FLOAT
: Approximate number of requests per second--concurrency INT
: Number of clients to run concurrently. Use 4n
for 4 times the number of nodes.--latency MILLIS
: Approximate simulated network latency, during normal--latency-dist DIST
: What latency distribution should Maelstrom use?--nemesis FAULT_TYPE
: A comma-separated list of faults to inject--nemesis-interval SECONDS
: How long between nemesis operations, on averageFor broadcast tests, try
--topology TYPE
: Controls the shape of the network topology Jepsen offersFor transactional tests, you can control transaction generation using
--max-txn-length INT
: The maximum number of operations per transaction--key-count INT
: The number of concurrent keys to work with--max-writes-per-key INT
: How many unique write operations to generate per key.SSH options are unused; Maelstrom runs entirely on the local node.
You probably cloned this repository or downloaded the source and didn’t compile
it. Download the compiled release tarball instead; you’ll find it on the GitHub
release page.
If you want to run directly from source, you’ll need the
Leiningen build system. Instead of ./maelstrom
, run lein run ...
You may find that node processes maelstrom starts are not terminating at the end of a run as expected. To address this, make sure that if the process passed as --bin
forks off a new process, it also handles the process’ termination.
In bin/raft
# Forks a new process.
java -jar target/raft.jar
In bin/raft
# Replaces the shell without creating a new process.
exec java -jar target/raft.jar
Copyright © 2017, 2020—2022 Kyle Kingsbury, Kit Patella, & Jepsen, LLC
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at
your option) any later version.