Web UI for CodeceptJS
An interactive, graphical test runner for CodeceptJS.
Requires CodeceptJS 3 to be installed
Install CodeceptUI in a project where CodeceptJS is already used
npm i @codeceptjs/ui --save
Run CodeceptUI in application mode (recommended for development, local debug):
npx codecept-ui --app
Uses codecept.conf.js
config from the current directory.
If needed, provide a path to config file with --config
npx codecept run --config tests/codecept.conf.js
Run CodeceptUI as a web server (recommended for headless mode, remote debug):
npx codecept-ui
Open http://localhost:3333
to see all tests and run them.
Uses codecept.conf.js
config from the current directory.
If needed, provide a path to config file with --config
npx codecept run --config tests/codecept.conf.js
CodeceptUI requires two ports HTTP and WebSocket.
Default HTTP port is 3333. You can change the port by specifying it to —port option:
npx codecept-ui --app --port=3000
Default WebSocket port is 2999. You can change the port by specifying it to —wsPort option:
npx codecept-ui --app --wsPort=4444
CodeceptUI uses the debug package to output debug information. This is useful to troubleshoot problems or just to see what CodeceptUI is doing. To turn on debug information do
# verbose: get all debug information
DEBUG=codeceptjs:* npx codecept-ui
# just get debug output of one module
DEBUG=codeceptjs:codeceptjs-factory npx codecept-ui
Thanks all for the contributions!