项目作者: ksator

项目描述 :
Northstar SDN controller orchestration using REST calls with Python
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/ksator/northstar_SDN_controller_automation.git
创建时间: 2018-03-12T10:32:57Z

开源协议:MIT License


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About this repo

This repository has automation content for Northstar SDN controller.
This repository requires Northstar version 4 or above. This repository doesn’t cover how to install Northstar.

install the requirements to use the automation content hosted in this repository

The python scripts hosted in this repository use the library requests to make REST calls to Northstar.
Run these commands on your laptop:

  1. sudo -s
  2. pip install requests

clone this repository

Run these commands on your laptop:

  1. sudo -s
  2. git clone https://github.com/ksator/northstar_SDN_controller_automation.git

Use this repository

Move to your local copy of this remote repository

  1. cd northstar_SDN_controller_automation

The file variables.yml has your Northstar setup details:

  • SDN controller ip address, username and password.
  • LSPs to add/remove.
  • Nodes to put into maintenance mode


  1. vi variables.yml

The script provision_new_LSP.py makes REST calls to Northstar to create a new LSP. The LSP is hardcoded in the script.

  1. python provision_new_LSP.py
  2. created LSP: newlspfrompython

The script provision_new_LSPs.py makes REST calls to Northstar to create new LSPs. They are defined in variables.yml file.

  1. python provision_new_LSPs.py
  2. created LSP: lSP1frompython
  3. created LSP: lSP2frompython

The script python get_active_LSPs.py makes a REST call to Northstar to get all actives LSP

  1. python get_active_LSPs.py

The script get_all_LSPs.py makes REST calls to Northstar to get all LSP

  1. python get_all_LSPs.py

The script delete_LSPs.py makes REST calls to Northstar to delete the LSPs defined in variables.yml file.

  1. python delete_LSPs.py
  2. deleted LSP: lSP1frompython
  3. deleted LSP: lSP2frompython
  4. deleted LSP: newlspfrompython

The script put_nodes_in_maintenance.py makes REST calls to Northstar to put the nodes defined in variables.yml file into maintenance mode.
During a maintenance event, the selected elements are considered logically down, and the system reroutes the LSPs around those elements during the maintenance period. After the maintenance event is completed, delegated and PCE-initiated LSPs are reverted back to optimal paths.


  1. python put_nodes_in_maintenance.py

The script list_maintenance.py makes REST calls to Northstar to get the maintenance details from Northstar and print these details

  1. python list_maintenance.py
  2. [{u'elements': [{u'id': u'0110.0000.0101',
  3. u'index': 1,
  4. u'topoObjectType': u'node'},
  5. {u'id': u'0110.0000.0102',
  6. u'index': 2,
  7. u'topoObjectType': u'node'}],
  8. u'endTime': u'2018-03-21T01:48:09Z',
  9. u'maintenanceIndex': 3,
  10. u'name': u'event1',
  11. u'startTime': u'2018-03-21T01:33:09Z',
  12. u'status': u'planned',
  13. u'topoObjectType': u'maintenance',
  14. u'topologyIndex': 1,
  15. u'user': u'admin'},
  16. {u'elements': [{u'id': u'0110.0000.0103',
  17. u'index': 3,
  18. u'topoObjectType': u'node'},
  19. {u'id': u'0110.0000.0104',
  20. u'index': 4,
  21. u'topoObjectType': u'node'}],
  22. u'endTime': u'2018-03-21T03:33:18Z',
  23. u'maintenanceIndex': 4,
  24. u'name': u'event2',
  25. u'startTime': u'2018-03-21T01:33:18Z',
  26. u'status': u'planned',
  27. u'topoObjectType': u'maintenance',
  28. u'topologyIndex': 1,
  29. u'user': u'admin'}]

Continuous integration with Travis CI

There is a github webhook with Travis CI
The syntax of the python scripts and ansible playbooks in this repository are tested automatically by Travis CI.
The files .travis.yml and requirements.txt at the root of this repository are used for this.

Here’s the last build status
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