项目作者: pulkitrathi17

项目描述 :
An Android News App using Kotlin, androidx libraries and Kodein based on MVVM architecture
高级语言: Kotlin
项目地址: git://github.com/pulkitrathi17/Globe.git
创建时间: 2019-02-17T13:42:06Z




An Android News App using Kotlin, androidx libraries and Kodein based on MVVM architecture.
The app has three screens: Top news, Search and Settings.

Top News

Shows top news according to the location set by user.
On clicking particular news element user is redirected to the webview for that article url.

Search News

To search news using keywords according to the language preference.


For setting Language and Location.

Technologies Used

  1. Kotlin
  2. Kodein for Dependency Injection
  3. MVVM architecture (Model - View - View Model)
  4. Room DB
  5. Retrofit Networking Library
  6. Picasso for Image Loading
  7. AndroidX library - Navigation Controller

Api Used
