项目作者: nonchris

项目描述 :
Discord bot that creates custom voice channels on demand
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/nonchris/discord-fury.git
创建时间: 2020-11-03T17:59:24Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Fury Bot

  • Custom voice channels with linked text channels on demand.
  • Breakout rooms for discord


Create voice channels on demand

Watches custom configured voice channels and creates a new channel for each user that joins one of those channels._
Supports three ‘types’ of channels:

  • public channel - synced with category, everyone has the same permissions
  • private channel - join is disabled for every member, the creator can edit the whole channel
  • static channel - only a new linked text-channel will be created when a user joins a persistent channel
    This function also creates a ‘linked’ text channel which is only visible for the users that are currently in that voice chat.
  • The text channel will be removed / archived - according to your settings - when the voice channel is empty and gets deleted.

Breakout Rooms

This bot simulates break out rooms like known from BigBlueButton or Zoom

Distribute members of a voice channel into smaller groups
  • All groups receive their own voice channel and linked text channel (behaviour as described above)
  • Automatic creation of channels and member movement

Command: f!open [members per channel]

Collect all members
  • Move all members back to your channel
  • Automatic cleanup, text channels can be archived (see below)

Command: f!close

Customizable prefix, archive, log

There are settings to configure which channels should be watched and where text channels should be archived as well as where to log the whole process.
The can also listen to your custom prefix.
Use f!help settings to learn more about the way configure the bot.
f!setup [role-id (optional)] triggers the creation of a tracked, ready to use voice category for you.


Channels and breakout rooms

Default prefix is f!
The bot also listens for mentions, so @[bot] help is also a valid command.
Note that the default prefix can be changed on a guild since v2.0.1

Command Description Alternative
help [optional: module name] Shows the help message with all modules / for entered module f!h
setup [optional: id / mention] Quick setup for creation channels setup-voice
open [members per room] Open breakout rooms opro, openroom, break-out, brout
close Close breakout rooms, move members to your current channel cloro, closeroom, collect, cl
add [public / private] [channel id] Register a voice channel as tracked creation channel svc, set-voice


Syntax for the following commands is f!set [name] [value]

Name Value Description Entry limit
public voice-channel-id Track a channel for the creation of public channels 3
private voice-channel-id Track a channel for the creation of private channels 3
static voice-channel-id Create linked text channels for a persistent voice channel 3
archive category-id Add setting for archive category and log channel 1
log text-channel-id Add setting for archive category and log channel 1
prefix New Prefix Use custom prefix on your server 1
allow-edit yes or no Allow the creator of a public channel to edit the name, default is no 1

If a setting is already set it will be updated to the new value.

Delete a setting

Syntax for the following commands is

f!ds [name] [value]

Delete a tracked channel by giving the channel id.
Another setting can be deleted by entering it’s setting name, like f!ds prefix

Other commands

Name Description Alternative
settings Get a list of all configured settings gs, get-settings
ping Check if the bot is available


Run the bot using docker-compose using the image from Docker Hub nonchris/discord-fury.

Environment variables

Variable Required Function Default
TOKEN yes Token to run your bot with -
POSTGRES_USER yes Username for database -
POSTGRES_PASSWORD yes Password to database -
POSTGRES_SERVER yes Server the db is located on -
POSTGRES_DB yes Name of the database -
PREFIX no Prefix the bot listens to f!
VERSION no Version displayed by bot unknown
OWNER_ID no To mention the owner if on server 100000000000000000
OWNER_NAME no To give the owners name if not on server unknown
CHANNEL_TRACK_LIMIT no Limit of tracked channels per server per type 20
MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH no Max length for a custom prefix 3

Update from old v1.x.x database structure to v2.0.0

With the update to v2.0.0 the bots internal database structure was rewritten using SQLAlchemy.
The new version also uses postgres instead of sqlite.
It’s suggested to upgrade since new features will only be developed for v2.

Migrate your database

Add those environment variables to your compose file.
The container will start the script migrate_to_alchemy.py which handles the migration process.
Stop the container when the script is finished and remove those parameters to run the container as usual.

  1. - run=migrate_to_alchemy.py
  2. - OLD_DB_PATH=data/fury1.db

You need to move the data/ folder if you copied the latest docker-compose file.