项目作者: Paul-McGarrigle
项目描述 :
MSc individual end of year project. The project is a replication of a Social Media website and provides features found on Social Media sites, such as, users can Login/Register an account, send/recieve friend requests, coment on/view their own wall and friends walls, block users, search for friends etc. The project consists of a Java MVC based framework, of which Spring MVC was chosen, which would access a Relational Database, of which MySQL was chosen, and the means of access to the database would be provided via JPA/Hibernate. For Security and Authentication, of users, Spring Security was chosen. The Front End design uses a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Java Spring JSP Tags Library & Bootstrap.
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/Paul-McGarrigle/MSc-Individual-Project.git